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Windows 7 internal program for Icon Editing and Creating

OK super geeks out there. . .If you weren't previously aware Windows (for several editions now) has an internal Icon editor/creator. This is a simplistic editor that comes packaged with your operating system.

To open the editor simply open a run* command and type EUDCEDIT (End User Defined Characters Editor)

This is a hexidecimal based editor, once the code base is selected you will get the actual editor, think of this as a mini-paint tool. The functionality is limited, but the abilities to application of custom icons are endless. From Outlook signatures to favicon's this highly functional tool is worth your time.


* if you cannot see a run command button on your windows menu please follow the below steps (Windows 7):

Right Click your Windows menu button > select "Start Menu" tab > left click on the "Customize" button > approx. 3/4 of the way down is the check box titled "Run command" put a "Check" in the box > Click OK > OK