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Silverlight 2 Beta 2 Is Here!

Get it from https://silverlight.net/GetStarted, along with the developer tools, documentation and the June update to Blend 2.5.

image Lots of new goodies – as ever, Scott Guthrie’s blog has a comprehensive guide. I’m not going to try and compete with him today: my family tell me it’s time for the weekend to start!

If you’re looking for something to try out, there’s an updated version of Hard Rock’s Memorabilia site, but the really cool new site out there is a graphical adventure called Buddy Knavery, written in the style of old-school games like Zak McKracken and Maniac Mansion. I’ve already wasted far too much time playing with it instead of updating this blog post! There’s some amazing work here – hard to believe that it was all written by one guy in his spare time…