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Enterprise Library vNext - what would you like to see?

So now that Enterprise Library has been out for 2 weeks, I'm assuming that you're all experts now :-). So what better time than now to start thinking about what you'd like to see in vNext. The next version will target .NET Framework 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 ("Whidbey"), and this alone means we need to rework all the blocks to make sure that they use any relevant new features and adhere to the best practices for the new platform. However we're also interested in your thoughts on what else we could do to improve the next version of Enterprise Library. Some of the main categories for feedback are:

  1. Asset specification or Library-wide changes (what could be improved across all blocks?)
  2. Whidbey-releated changes (which specific Whidbey features do you want to make sure we leverage, and how?)
  3. Changes or improvements to existing features (are there any features we currently support that could be done better?)
  4. Brand new features in existing blocks (what new features would make the blocks more useful for your scenarios?)

BTW we are also thinking about adding some new blocks to the next version of the library, but our current priority is in working out how to move the existing blocks forward. There will be some opportunities to talk about potential new blocks later on, but for now it would be great to focus on the four points listed above. Please don't ask for new blocks in this forum now! :-)

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