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MSDN Evening on 28 November: Introducing Visual Studio 2008 – IDE & Language Enhancements

During this MSDN Evening you will get an overview of the language enhancements in Visual Basic 9.0 and Visual C# 3.0, as well as IDE enhancements in Visual Studio 2008. Topics covered include framework multi-targeting (using Visual Studio 2008 to develop applications running on .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 and/or 3.5), integration of .NET Framework 3.5, LINQ (the Language Integrated Query), anonymous types, the WPF designer, Visual Studio Tools for Office, etc. After this session, you will have a good overview of the new features in Visual Studio 2008 and how developers will benefit from them.

  • Location: Utopolis, Mechelen
  • Date: 28 November
  • Session starts at 18:30

This session can be attended free of charge, but registration is required.

Technorati tags: Microsoft, MSDN Belux, Visual Studio 2008, VS2008, .NET