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IE7 Tabbed Browsing Q & A

I'm working on some long-overdue posts about tabbed browsing, but before I get too deep into them what I'd like to know most is: what do you want to know about IE7's tabbed browsing implementation?

If you have questions, please post them as comments. For the smaller questions I may reply as a comment, but the bigger questions will be answered as future blog posts. In the end I plan to wrap everything up in a "FAQ" for future reference.

Please keep in mind that I have to use a certain amount of discretion in answering the questions, and I can't really talk about future releases, but I'll do the best I can.

My expertise is mainly in the underlying architecture/implementation, but if you have UI-specific questions I'll ask my colleague if I don't know the answers.

Finally, if there are things you'd like to see in future versions, feel free to comment on those too.