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Known Issues for Windows Azure Storage Client Library 2.0 for .NET and Windows Runtime


An updated Know Issues Blog Post can be found by clicking on this link

The client issues detailed in this blog have been resolved in version 2.0.4 or earlier, and you can obtain the latest NuGet Package here .

We recently released the 2.0 version of the Windows Azure Storage Client Library. This is our largest update to our .NET library to date which includes new features, broader platform compatibility, and revisions to address the great feedback you’ve given us over time. For more about this release see here. For information regarding breaking changes see here.

This SDK 2.0 release contains a few known issues that will be addressed in the next release of the libraries and are detailed below.

Known Issues

Service Client Retry Policy does not support null

The Cloud[Blob|Queue|Table]Client.RetryPolicy does not support null, if you wish to disable retries simply use RetryPolicies.NoRetry (client.RetryPolicy = new NoRetry()).

CloudStorageAccount.Parse cannot parse DevelopmentStorageAccount strings if a proxy is not specified.

CloudStorageAccount.Parse() and TryParse() do not support DevelopmentStorageAccount strings if a proxy is not specified. CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount.ToString() will serialize to the string: “UseDevelopmentStorage=true” which illustrate this particular issue. Passing this string into CloudStorageAccount.Parse() or TryParse () will throw a KeyNotFoundException.

The example below illustrates this issue:

 // Will serialize to "UseDevelopmentStorage=true"
CloudStorageAccount myAccount = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount;
CloudStorageAccount.Parse(myAccount.ToString());  // Will Throw KeyNotFoundException

To work around this issue you may specify a proxy Uri as below:

 // Will serialize to "UseDevelopmentStorage=true;DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=https://ipv4.fiddler"
CloudStorageAccount myAccount = CloudStorageAccount.GetDevelopmentStorageAccount(new Uri("https://ipv4.fiddler"));



We continue to work hard on delivering a first class development experience for the .Net community to work with Windows Azure Storage. We will address these issues in upcoming releases of the SDK and on GitHub.

Joe Giardino

Windows Azure Storage


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