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JavaScript runtime hosting


The features described in this document are no longer being maintained. For more information on the new WebView2 control, see Introduction to Microsoft Edge WebView2 (Preview).

The JavaScript Runtime (JsRT) APIs provide a way for desktop, Windows Store, and server-side applications running on the Windows operating system to add scripting capabilities to an app by using the standards-based Chakra JavaScript engine that is also utilized by Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer. These APIs are available on Windows 10 and any version of the Windows operating system that has Internet Explorer version 11.0 installed on the machine.

In this section

The following sections provide more information about JavaScript.

Hosting the JavaScript Runtime
Describes the JsRT APIs.

Targeting Microsoft Edge vs. Legacy Engines
Describes how to use the JsRT APIs with the new JavaScript engine.

Reference (JavaScript Runtime)
Explains the elements of the JsRT APIs.

See also