Collect performance counters with Azure Monitor Agent
Performance counters is one of the data sources used in a data collection rule (DCR). Details for the creation of the DCR are provided in Collect data with Azure Monitor Agent. This article provides more details for the Windows events data source type.
Performance counters provide insight into the performance of hardware components, operating systems, and applications. Azure Monitor Agent can collect performance counters from Windows and Linux machines at frequent intervals for near real time analysis.
Create a data collection rule, as described in Collect data with Azure Monitor Agent. In the Collect and deliver step, select Performance Counters from the Data source type dropdown.
For performance counters, select from a predefined set of objects and their sampling rate.
Select Custom to specify an XPath to collect any performance counters not available by default. Use the format \PerfObject(ParentInstance/ObjectInstance#InstanceIndex)\Counter. If the counter name contains an ampersand (&), replace it with &. For example, \Memory\Free & Zero Page List Bytes. You can view the default counters for examples.
Take care when manually defining counters for DCRs that are associated with both Windows and Linux machines, as certain Windows- and Linux-style counter names can resolve to the same metric and cause duplicative collection. For instance, specifying both \LogicalDisk(*)\Disk Transfers/sec and Logical Disk(*)\Disk Transfers/sec in the same DCR will cause the Disk Transfers metric to be reported twice per sampling period. This behavior can be avoided by not collecting performance counters in untyped DCRs; ensure Windows-style counters are only specified in Windows-type DCRs and associated solely with Windows machines, and vice-versa for Linux-style counters.
At this time, Microsoft.HybridCompute (Azure Arc-enabled servers) resources can't be viewed in Metrics Explorer (the Azure portal UX), but they can be acquired via the Metrics REST API (Metric Namespaces - List, Metric Definitions - List, and Metrics - List).
Performance counters data can be sent to the following locations.
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