Выполнение повторного поиска с семантического ранжирования в службе "Поиск ИИ Azure" - Training
Выполните повторную настройку поиска с семантической ранжированием в службе "Поиск ИИ Azure".
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Each search response includes a RankingResponse answer tells you how to display the search results. The ranking response groups results by mainline content and sidebar content for a traditional search results page. If you don't display the results in a traditional mainline and sidebar format, you must provide the mainline content higher visibility than the sidebar content.
The following example fragment shows what the RankingResponse answer looks like in the JSON response for the query, how to use saffron threads.
"rankingResponse": {
"mainline": {
"items": [
"answerType": "Videos",
"value": {
"id": "https://<host>/api/v7.0/#Videos"
"answerType": "WebPages",
"resultIndex": 0,
"value": {
"id": "https://<host>/api/v7.0/#WebPages.0"
"answerType": "WebPages",
"resultIndex": 1,
"value": {
"id": "https://<host>/api/v7.0/#WebPages.1"
. . .
"answerType": "WebPages",
"resultIndex": 9,
"value": {
"id": "https://<host>/api/v7.0/#WebPages.9"
"answerType": "RelatedSearches",
"value": {
"id": "https://<host>/api/v7.0/#RelatedSearches"
"sidebar": {
"items": [
"answerType": "Entities",
"resultIndex": 0,
"value": {
"id": "<host>/api/v7.0/#Entities.0"
Within each group (mainline or sidebar), the Items array identifies the order that the content must appear in. Each item provides the following two ways to identify the result within an answer.
and resultIndex
The answerType
field identifies the answer (for example, the News answer) and the resultIndex
field identifies a result within the answer (for example, a news article). The result index is zero based.
The value
field contains an ID that matches the ID of either an answer or a result within the answer. Either the answer or the results contain the ID but not both. The fragment portion of the URI identifies the answer type and index. For example, https://<host>/api/v7.0/#WebPages.9
, identifies the 10th webpage in the Webpages answer.
Because the videos ranking item doesn’t include the resultIndex
field and the id
URI is missing the index value, you’d display all video results together.
"answerType": "Videos",
"value": {
"id": "https://<host>/api/v7.0/#Videos"
The following JSON shows the videos answer in the response. Notice that the Videos answer object includes the id field and the Video result objects don’t. Either the answer will contain the id field or the results will, but not both.
"videos": {
"id": "https://<host>/api/v7.0/#Videos",
"readLink": "https://<host>/api/v7.0/videos/search?q=how+to+use+saffron+threads",
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=how+to+use+saffron+threads",
"isFamilyFriendly": true,
"value": [
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=how%20to%20use%20sa...",
"name": "How to use Saffron Threads",
"description": "How to use Saffron Threads. Best way to use saffron threads for maximum flavour and color.",
"thumbnailUrl": "https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OVP.qj4aGA...",
"datePublished": "2018-08-21T17:01:27.0000000",
"publisher": [
"name": "Contoso"
"isAccessibleForFree": true,
"contentUrl": "https://www.contoso.com/watch?v=Ai7LksfYDPs",
"hostPageUrl": "https://www.contoso.com/watch?v=Ai7LksfYDPs",
"encodingFormat": "mp4",
"hostPageDisplayUrl": "https://www.contoso.com/watch?v=Ai7LksfYDPs",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720,
"duration": "PT45S",
"motionThumbnailUrl": "https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OM1.F1163Ia21PXw5w_...",
"embedHtml": "<iframe width=\"1280\" height=\"720\" src=\"http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ai7LksfYDPs?autoplay=1\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>",
"allowHttpsEmbed": true,
"viewCount": 349,
"thumbnail": {
"width": 160,
"height": 120
"allowMobileEmbed": true,
"isSuperfresh": false
However, because the Webpages answer doesn’t include an id
field, you'd display all webpages individually based on the ranking (each webpage includes an id
field). Either the answer will contain the id
field or the results will, but not both.
"webPages": {
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+to+use+saffron+threads",
"totalEstimatedMatches": 1020000,
"value": [
"id": "https://<host>/api/v7.0/#WebPages.0",
"name": "3 Ways to Prepare Saffron",
"url": "https://www.fabrikam.com/Prepare-Saffron",
"about": [
"name": "Saffron"
"isFamilyFriendly": true,
"displayUrl": "https://www.fabrikam.com/Prepare-Saffron",
"snippet": "Measure the saffron threads. Your recipe will usually tell you how much saffron to use...",
"dateLastCrawled": "2020-02-18T22:19:00.0000000Z",
"language": "en",
"isNavigational": false
To use the ranking ID, simply match the ranking ID with the ID of an answer or one of its results. If you use the answerType
and resultIndex
fields, use answerType
to identify the answer that contains the results to display. Then, use resultIndex
to index through the answer's results to get the result to display.
Based on the ranking response example for the saffron query, you’d display the following search results in the mainline:
And you’d display the following search results in the sidebar:
Выполнение повторного поиска с семантического ранжирования в службе "Поиск ИИ Azure" - Training
Выполните повторную настройку поиска с семантической ранжированием в службе "Поиск ИИ Azure".