Result::CoreReturnValueStart |
-1 |
Internal: Start of the range of core result values. |
Result::Success |
0 |
Operation completed successfully. |
Result::Fail |
1 |
General failure. |
Result::Cancelled |
2 |
The user canceled the operation. |
Result::InvalidParam |
3 |
Incorrect user input for the operation. |
Result::InvalidType |
4 |
An object with incorrect type was passed in. |
Result::BufferTooSmall_Deprecated |
5 |
Not used. |
Result::NoConnection |
6 |
Operation requires an active connection. |
If the connection to the server has been lost, this error can occur for most operations, since only few operations are possible without a connection. |
Result::ApiUnavailable |
7 |
Internal. |
Result::AlreadyInitialized |
8 |
Static initialization of remote rendering has been called multiple times. |
Result::AlreadyDeinitialized |
9 |
Static de-initialization of remote rendering has already been performed. |
Result::StringTooLong |
10 |
The string passed into the API is longer than allowed. |
Result::IndexOutOfRange |
11 |
The index passed into the API is outside the valid range. |
Result::InProgress |
12 |
An async operation has not yet finished. |
Result::NotInitialized |
13 |
Static initialization of remote rendering hasn't been done yet. |
Result::StringNotValidUtf8 |
14 |
The string passed into the API is not valid. |
Result::NotSupported |
15 |
An operation is not supported on the target platform. |
Result::CoreReturnValueLast |
16 |
Internal: Last used value of the range of core result values. |
Result::CoreReturnValueEnd |
200 |
Internal: Maximum value of the range of core result values. |
Result::LoadFileReturnValueStart |
299 |
Internal: Start of the range of file load result values. |
Result::FileNotFound |
300 |
The requested file did not exist. |
Result::InvalidVersion |
301 |
The requested file is either corrupt or uses an old version that is not supported anymore. |
Result::IncompatibleVersion_Deprecated |
302 |
Not used. |
Result::FailedToOpenFile |
303 |
The requested file is either corrupt or not recognized. |
Result::FileDownloadFailed |
304 |
Downloading the file from the provided URI failed. |
Result::ExceedsMemoryLimit |
305 |
Loading this model would exceed GPU memory limits. Request a larger server, or reduce the amount of loaded models. |
Result::CannotWriteTargetFile |
306 |
The target file cannot be written |
Result::FileCorrupt |
307 |
The target file is corrupt or in an unsupported format |
Result::FileUploadFailed |
308 |
Internal: Uploading the file to the provided URI failed. |
Result::UnsupportedFileProvider |
309 |
Internal: Files can only be up/downloaded from OneDrive or Azure Blob Storage. |
Result::LoadFileReturnValueLast |
310 |
Internal: Last used value of the range of file load result values. |
Result::LoadFileReturnValueEnd |
500 |
Internal: Maximum value of the range of file load result values. |
Result::ObjectReturnValueStart |
599 |
Internal: Start of the range of object result values. |
Result::InvalidId |
600 |
The provided object ID is not valid (anymore). |
Result::InvalidParentId |
601 |
The parent entity with the provided ID does not exist. |
Result::AlreadyExists |
602 |
An object of the same type already exists on the target. |
Result::CyclicReference |
603 |
Re-parenting this entity to the target entity would create a cycle in the entity hierarchy. |
Result::ObjectLocked_Deprecated |
604 |
Not used. |
Result::ObjectStatic |
605 |
Tried to transform or re-parent an object that is part of a static scene graph. See 'SceneGraphMode=static' model conversion option. |
Result::ComponentLimitReached |
606 |
Tried to add a component, but the maximum number of this component was already present. |
Result::FeatureUnsupportedInCompositionMode |
607 |
Returned when trying to enable a feature that is not supported in the current rendering composition mode (see enum ServiceRenderMode) |
Result::ObjectReturnValueLast |
608 |
Internal: Last used value of the range of object result values. |
Result::ObjectReturnValueEnd |
800 |
Internal: Maximum value of the range of object result values. |
Result::ConnectionReturnValueStart |
899 |
Internal: Start of the range of connection result values. |
Result::NoServerCertificate |
900 |
Internal: Secure connection enabled, but certificate was missing, invalid, or not usable. |
Result::HandshakePortBusy |
901 |
Internal: Handshake port could not be opened for accepting connections. |
Result::HandshakeUnreachable |
902 |
Handshake server is unreachable. |
Result::HandshakeConnectionFailed |
903 |
Handshake server closed the connection prematurely; likely due to TLS/Plain mismatch or invalid certificate. |
Result::AuthenticationFailed |
904 |
Authentication with the handshake server failed. |
Result::RemotingVersionMismatch |
905 |
No common compatible remoting version could be determined during handshake. |
Result::IncompatibleTransportProtocols |
906 |
No common transport protocol could be determined during handshake. |
Result::HandshakeFailed |
907 |
Handshake failed. Reason not further specified. |
Result::TransportPortBusy |
908 |
Internal: Transport port could not be opened for accepting connections. |
Result::TransportUnreachable |
909 |
Transport server is unreachable. |
Result::TransportConnectionFailed |
910 |
Transport connection was closed before all communication channels had been set up. |
Result::ProtocolVersionMismatch |
911 |
Transport connection was closed due to protocol version mismatch. |
Result::ProtocolError |
912 |
A protocol error occurred that was severe enough to invalidate the current connection or connection attempt. |
Result::VideoCodecNotAvailable |
913 |
Transport connection was closed due to the requested video codec not being available. |
Result::ConnectionLost |
914 |
Connection has been closed by peer. |
Result::DeviceLost |
915 |
Connection has been closed due to graphics device loss. |
Result::DisconnectRequest |
916 |
Connection has been closed by request. |
Result::Timeout_Deprecated |
917 |
Internal. |
Result::AlreadyConnected |
918 |
A connection has been established before. |
Result::ArrVersionMismatch |
919 |
The client SDK version is not supported anymore. Please update. |
Result::HandshakeNetworkUnreachable |
920 |
Network is unreachable. This usually means the client knows no route to reach the remote host. |
Result::HandshakeConnectionRefused |
921 |
No connection could be made because the remote side actively refused it. Usually this means that no host application is running. |
Result::VideoFormatNotAvailable |
922 |
Transport connection was closed due to the requested video format not being available. |
Result::PeerDisconnectRequest |
923 |
Disconnecting after receiving a disconnect request from the peer. |
Result::PeerDisconnectTimeout |
924 |
Timed out while waiting for peer to close connection. |
Result::SessionOpenTimeout |
925 |
Timed out while waiting for transport session to be opened. |
Result::RemotingHandshakeTimeout |
926 |
Timed out while waiting for the remoting handshake to complete. |
Result::InternalError |
927 |
Connection failed due to an internal error. |
Result::UnsupportedDisplayAdapter |
928 |
Returned when trying to run remote rendering with an unsupported adapter like "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter". |
Result::ConnectionReturnValueLast |
929 |
Internal: Last used value of the range of connection result values. |
Result::ConnectionReturnValueEnd |
1100 |
Internal: Maximum value of the range of connection result values. |
Result::ManagerReturnValueStart |
1199 |
Internal: Start of the range of manager result values. |
Result::InvalidToolId |
1200 |
Internal: Invalid tool ID. |
Result::ManagerAlreadyCreated |
1201 |
The remote rendering manager has already been created. |
Result::ManagerNotCreatedYet |
1202 |
The remote rendering manager has not been created yet. |
Result::OtherSessionConnected |
1203 |
Another session is already connected to this runtime. |
Result::BadStateTransition |
1204 |
Internal. |
Result::FailedToStartTool |
1205 |
An internal tool failed to start |
Result::InsufficientSlots |
1206 |
Internal: Insufficient number of slots in Frontend. |
Result::PrepareRenderNotCalled |
1207 |
PrepareRender has not been called before BlitRemoteFrame. |
Result::GraphicsBindingIncomplete |
1208 |
GraphicsBinding incomplete. In case of OpenXR, the OpenXR instance has not been created yet. In case of WMR, the HolographicSpace has not been created yet or the device setup via HolographicSpace::SetDirect3D11Device has not called yet. Also, make sure to call StartupRemoteRendering before anything graphics related. |
Result::ManagerReturnValueLast |
1209 |
Internal: Last used value of the range of manager result values. |
Result::ManagerReturnValueEnd |
1400 |
Internal: Maximum value of the range of manager result values. |
Result::SessionReturnValueStart |
1499 |
Internal: Start of the range of session result values. |
Result::InvalidToken |
1500 |
The secure connection failed. Check the account settings. |
Result::InvalidUri |
1501 |
The user provided URI is malformed. |
Result::SessionNotFound |
1502 |
The session to the user provided session Id could not be found. |
Result::TooManyRequests |
1503 |
Internal: The rate limit has been exceeded. Retry the request after the duration given in the Retry-After header. |
Result::DomainUnreachable |
1504 |
Remote rendering domain is unreachable. Url may be invalid or Azure Remote Rendering is not supported in this region. |
Result::ConnectionRefused |
1505 |
Remote rendering connection refused by destination host. |
Result::ConnectionFailed |
1506 |
Remote rendering connection failed. Exact reason unknown. |
Result::Timeout |
1507 |
Remote rendering connection timeout. |
Result::OutOfCapacity |
1508 |
Could not create a session of given size and region due to lack of capacity in the service. |
Result::SessionReturnValueLast |
1509 |
Internal: Last used value of the range of session result values. |
Result::SessionReturnValueEnd |
1700 |
Internal: Maximum value of the range of session result values. |