AppendToFile(String, String, Byte[])
Appends contents to a file
BulkCopy(String, String, String, CancellationToken, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Cmdlet, Boolean)
Performs the bulk copy and tracks the progress
ChangeAclRecursively(String, String, List<AclEntry>, RequestedAclType, Int32, Cmdlet, Boolean, CancellationToken)
Changes Acl recursively
ChangeAclRecursively(String, String, List<AclEntry>, RequestedAclType, Int32)
ConcatenateFiles(String, String, List<String>)
Concats the files
CreateDirectory(String, String)
Creates a directory in the store
CreateFile(String, String, Byte[], IfExists)
Creates a file in ADL store
CreateSymLink(String, String, String, Boolean)
DeleteFileOrFolder(String, String, Boolean)
Deletes the file or folder.
EnumerateDeletedItems(String, String, Int32, Cmdlet, CancellationToken)
Get items in trash matching query string
GetAclStatus(String, String)
Retrieves the Acl status of the path
GetContentSummary(String, String, Int32, CancellationToken)
Obtains the content summary recursively
GetFileProperties(String, String, Boolean, String, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Int64, Cmdlet, CancellationToken)
Get file properties
GetFileProperties(String, String, Boolean, String, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Int64)
GetFileStatus(String, String)
Gets the properties of the file or directory
GetFileStatuses(String, String)
Returns an ienumerable of directoryentry
GetStreamRows(String, String, Int32, Encoding, Boolean)
Gets the rows from head or tail
ModifyAcl(String, String, List<AclEntry>)
Add specific Acl entries
ReadFromFile(String, String)
Returns the ADL read stream
RemoveAcl(String, String)
Remove all the ACLs
RemoveAclEntries(String, String, List<AclEntry>)
Removes specific Acl entries
RemoveDefaultAcl(String, String)
Remove all the default ACLs
RenameFileOrDirectory(String, String, String)
Renames a file or directory
RestoreDeletedItem(String, String, String, String, String, CancellationToken)
Restore a stream or directory from trash to user space. This is a synchronous operation.
Not threadsafe when Restore is called for same path from different threads.
SetAcl(String, String, List<AclEntry>)
Sets specific Acl entries
SetExpiry(String, String, Int64, Nullable<ExpiryOption>)
Sets the expiry time of the file. If expiry option is not specified then tries to guess the option based on timeToSet value.
SetOwner(String, String, String, String)
Sets the owner of the path
SetPermission(String, String, String)
Sets the permission
SetupFileLogging(LogLevel, String)
Setsup Nlog logging to a file
TestFileOrFolderExistence(String, String, DirectoryEntryType)
Checks if file or folder exists and also returns the type of the path