StringUtilities Class


Various utility methods for when working with strings and text.

public static class StringUtilities


GetEncodedText(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, SKTextEncoding)
GetEncodedText(String, SKEncoding)

Encodes the specified string using the encoding as a byte array.

GetEncodedText(String, SKTextEncoding)

Encodes the specified string using the encoding as a byte array.

GetString(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SKTextEncoding)

Encodes the specified string using the encoding as a byte array.

GetString(Byte[], SKTextEncoding)

Decodes the specified bytes as a string.

GetString(IntPtr, Int32, SKTextEncoding)

Decodes the specified bytes as a string.

GetString(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, Int32, Int32, SKTextEncoding)
GetString(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, SKTextEncoding)
GetUnicodeCharacterCode(String, SKTextEncoding)

Returns the Unicode character code for the specified character.

Applies to