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Пошаговое руководство. Создание пользовательского типа блока потока данных

Хотя библиотека потоков данных предоставляет несколько типов блоков потоков данных, которые позволяют использовать различные функции, можно также создавать пользовательские типы блоков. В этом документе описано, как создать тип блока потока данных, который реализует пользовательское поведение.

Предварительные требования

Ознакомьтесь с руководством по потокам данных, прежде чем читать этот документ.


Библиотека потоков данных TPL (пространство имен System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow) не поставляется с .NET. Чтобы установить пространство имен System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow в Visual Studio, откройте проект, выберите Управление пакетами NuGet в меню Проект и выполните поиск пакета System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow в Интернете. Вы также можете установить его, выполнив в .NET Core CLI команду dotnet add package System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.

Определение блока потока данных скользящего окна

Рассмотрим приложение потока данных, которое требует, чтобы входные значения были буферизованы и затем выводились по принципу скользящего окна. Например, для входных значений {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} и размера окна 3, блок потока данных скользящего окна создает массивы вывода {0, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4} и {3, 4, 5}. В следующих разделах описываются два способа создания типа блока потока данных, который реализует это пользовательское поведение. В первом способе используется метод Encapsulate для объединения возможностей объекта ISourceBlock<TOutput> и объекта ITargetBlock<TInput> в одном блоке распространения. Второй способ определяет класс, производный от IPropagatorBlock<TInput,TOutput>, и объединяет существующие функциональные возможности для обеспечения пользовательского поведения.

Использование метода инкапсуляции для определения блока потока данных скользящего окна

В следующем примере используется метод Encapsulate для создания блока распространения из источника и целевого объекта. Блок распространения позволяет блокам источника и целевого объекта действовать в качестве отправителя и получателя данных.

Этот способ полезен, когда требуется пользовательская функциональность потока данных, но нет необходимости в типе, который предоставляет дополнительные методы, свойства или поля.

// Creates a IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> object propagates data in a
// sliding window fashion.
public static IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> CreateSlidingWindow<T>(int windowSize)
   // Create a queue to hold messages.
   var queue = new Queue<T>();

   // The source part of the propagator holds arrays of size windowSize
   // and propagates data out to any connected targets.
   var source = new BufferBlock<T[]>();

   // The target part receives data and adds them to the queue.
   var target = new ActionBlock<T>(item =>
      // Add the item to the queue.
      // Remove the oldest item when the queue size exceeds the window size.
      if (queue.Count > windowSize)
      // Post the data in the queue to the source block when the queue size
      // equals the window size.
      if (queue.Count == windowSize)

   // When the target is set to the completed state, propagate out any
   // remaining data and set the source to the completed state.
      if (queue.Count > 0 && queue.Count < windowSize)

   // Return a IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> object that encapsulates the
   // target and source blocks.
   return DataflowBlock.Encapsulate(target, source);
' Creates a IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> object propagates data in a 
' sliding window fashion.
Public Shared Function CreateSlidingWindow(Of T)(ByVal windowSize As Integer) As IPropagatorBlock(Of T, T())
    ' Create a queue to hold messages.
    Dim queue = New Queue(Of T)()

    ' The source part of the propagator holds arrays of size windowSize
    ' and propagates data out to any connected targets.
    Dim source = New BufferBlock(Of T())()

    ' The target part receives data and adds them to the queue.
    Dim target = New ActionBlock(Of T)(Sub(item)
                                           ' Add the item to the queue.
                                           ' Remove the oldest item when the queue size exceeds the window size.
                                           ' Post the data in the queue to the source block when the queue size
                                           ' equals the window size.
                                           If queue.Count > windowSize Then
                                           End If
                                           If queue.Count = windowSize Then
                                           End If
                                       End Sub)

    ' When the target is set to the completed state, propagate out any
    ' remaining data and set the source to the completed state.
                                       If queue.Count > 0 AndAlso queue.Count < windowSize Then
                                       End If
                                   End Sub)

    ' Return a IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> object that encapsulates the 
    ' target and source blocks.
    Return DataflowBlock.Encapsulate(target, source)
End Function

Наследование от IPropagatorBlock для определения блока потока данных скользящего окна

В следующем примере демонстрируется класс SlidingWindowBlock. Этот класс является производным от IPropagatorBlock<TInput,TOutput>, поэтому способен действовать и как источник, и как целевой объект данных. Как и в предыдущем примере, класс SlidingWindowBlock создается на основе существующих типов блоков потока данных. Однако класс SlidingWindowBlock также реализует методы, необходимые для интерфейсов ISourceBlock<TOutput>, ITargetBlock<TInput> и IDataflowBlock. Все эти методы переадресуют работу членам предопределенных типов блоков потока данных. Например, метод Post передает работу данным-члену m_target, также являющемуся объектом ITargetBlock<TInput>.

Этот способ полезен, когда требуется пользовательская функциональность потока данных и тип, который предоставляет дополнительные методы, свойства или поля. Например, класс SlidingWindowBlock также является производным от IReceivableSourceBlock<TOutput>, чтобы он мог предоставлять методы TryReceive и TryReceiveAll. Класс SlidingWindowBlock также демонстрирует расширяемость, предоставляя свойство WindowSize, которое возвращает количество элементов в скользящем окне.

// Propagates data in a sliding window fashion.
public class SlidingWindowBlock<T> : IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]>,
   // The size of the window.
   private readonly int m_windowSize;
   // The target part of the block.
   private readonly ITargetBlock<T> m_target;
   // The source part of the block.
   private readonly IReceivableSourceBlock<T[]> m_source;

   // Constructs a SlidingWindowBlock object.
   public SlidingWindowBlock(int windowSize)
      // Create a queue to hold messages.
      var queue = new Queue<T>();

      // The source part of the propagator holds arrays of size windowSize
      // and propagates data out to any connected targets.
      var source = new BufferBlock<T[]>();

      // The target part receives data and adds them to the queue.
      var target = new ActionBlock<T>(item =>
         // Add the item to the queue.
         // Remove the oldest item when the queue size exceeds the window size.
         if (queue.Count > windowSize)
         // Post the data in the queue to the source block when the queue size
         // equals the window size.
         if (queue.Count == windowSize)

      // When the target is set to the completed state, propagate out any
      // remaining data and set the source to the completed state.
         if (queue.Count > 0 && queue.Count < windowSize)

      m_windowSize = windowSize;
      m_target = target;
      m_source = source;

   // Retrieves the size of the window.
   public int WindowSize { get { return m_windowSize; } }

   #region IReceivableSourceBlock<TOutput> members

   // Attempts to synchronously receive an item from the source.
   public bool TryReceive(Predicate<T[]> filter, out T[] item)
      return m_source.TryReceive(filter, out item);

   // Attempts to remove all available elements from the source into a new
   // array that is returned.
   public bool TryReceiveAll(out IList<T[]> items)
      return m_source.TryReceiveAll(out items);


   #region ISourceBlock<TOutput> members

   // Links this dataflow block to the provided target.
   public IDisposable LinkTo(ITargetBlock<T[]> target, DataflowLinkOptions linkOptions)
      return m_source.LinkTo(target, linkOptions);

   // Called by a target to reserve a message previously offered by a source
   // but not yet consumed by this target.
   bool ISourceBlock<T[]>.ReserveMessage(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader,
      ITargetBlock<T[]> target)
      return m_source.ReserveMessage(messageHeader, target);

   // Called by a target to consume a previously offered message from a source.
   T[] ISourceBlock<T[]>.ConsumeMessage(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader,
      ITargetBlock<T[]> target, out bool messageConsumed)
      return m_source.ConsumeMessage(messageHeader,
         target, out messageConsumed);

   // Called by a target to release a previously reserved message from a source.
   void ISourceBlock<T[]>.ReleaseReservation(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader,
      ITargetBlock<T[]> target)
      m_source.ReleaseReservation(messageHeader, target);


   #region ITargetBlock<TInput> members

   // Asynchronously passes a message to the target block, giving the target the
   // opportunity to consume the message.
   DataflowMessageStatus ITargetBlock<T>.OfferMessage(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader,
      T messageValue, ISourceBlock<T> source, bool consumeToAccept)
      return m_target.OfferMessage(messageHeader,
         messageValue, source, consumeToAccept);


   #region IDataflowBlock members

   // Gets a Task that represents the completion of this dataflow block.
   public Task Completion { get { return m_source.Completion; } }

   // Signals to this target block that it should not accept any more messages,
   // nor consume postponed messages.
   public void Complete()

   public void Fault(Exception error)

    ' Propagates data in a sliding window fashion.
    Public Class SlidingWindowBlock(Of T)
        Implements IPropagatorBlock(Of T, T()), IReceivableSourceBlock(Of T())
        ' The size of the window.
        Private ReadOnly m_windowSize As Integer
        ' The target part of the block.
        Private ReadOnly m_target As ITargetBlock(Of T)
        ' The source part of the block.
        Private ReadOnly m_source As IReceivableSourceBlock(Of T())

        ' Constructs a SlidingWindowBlock object.
        Public Sub New(ByVal windowSize As Integer)
            ' Create a queue to hold messages.
            Dim queue = New Queue(Of T)()

            ' The source part of the propagator holds arrays of size windowSize
            ' and propagates data out to any connected targets.
            Dim source = New BufferBlock(Of T())()

            ' The target part receives data and adds them to the queue.
            Dim target = New ActionBlock(Of T)(Sub(item)
                                                   ' Add the item to the queue.
                                                   ' Remove the oldest item when the queue size exceeds the window size.
                                                   ' Post the data in the queue to the source block when the queue size
                                                   ' equals the window size.
                                                   If queue.Count > windowSize Then
                                                   End If
                                                   If queue.Count = windowSize Then
                                                   End If
                                               End Sub)

            ' When the target is set to the completed state, propagate out any
            ' remaining data and set the source to the completed state.
                                               If queue.Count > 0 AndAlso queue.Count < windowSize Then
                                               End If
                                           End Sub)

            m_windowSize = windowSize
            m_target = target
            m_source = source
        End Sub

        ' Retrieves the size of the window.
        Public ReadOnly Property WindowSize() As Integer
                Return m_windowSize
            End Get
        End Property

        '#Region "IReceivableSourceBlock<TOutput> members"

        ' Attempts to synchronously receive an item from the source.
        Public Function TryReceive(ByVal filter As Predicate(Of T()), <System.Runtime.InteropServices.Out()> ByRef item() As T) As Boolean Implements IReceivableSourceBlock(Of T()).TryReceive
            Return m_source.TryReceive(filter, item)
        End Function

        ' Attempts to remove all available elements from the source into a new 
        ' array that is returned.
        Public Function TryReceiveAll(<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Out()> ByRef items As IList(Of T())) As Boolean Implements IReceivableSourceBlock(Of T()).TryReceiveAll
            Return m_source.TryReceiveAll(items)
        End Function

        '#End Region

#Region "ISourceBlock<TOutput> members"

        ' Links this dataflow block to the provided target.
        Public Function LinkTo(ByVal target As ITargetBlock(Of T()), ByVal linkOptions As DataflowLinkOptions) As IDisposable Implements ISourceBlock(Of T()).LinkTo
            Return m_source.LinkTo(target, linkOptions)
        End Function

        ' Called by a target to reserve a message previously offered by a source 
        ' but not yet consumed by this target.
        Private Function ReserveMessage(ByVal messageHeader As DataflowMessageHeader, ByVal target As ITargetBlock(Of T())) As Boolean Implements ISourceBlock(Of T()).ReserveMessage
            Return m_source.ReserveMessage(messageHeader, target)
        End Function

        ' Called by a target to consume a previously offered message from a source.
        Private Function ConsumeMessage(ByVal messageHeader As DataflowMessageHeader, ByVal target As ITargetBlock(Of T()), ByRef messageConsumed As Boolean) As T() Implements ISourceBlock(Of T()).ConsumeMessage
            Return m_source.ConsumeMessage(messageHeader, target, messageConsumed)
        End Function

        ' Called by a target to release a previously reserved message from a source.
        Private Sub ReleaseReservation(ByVal messageHeader As DataflowMessageHeader, ByVal target As ITargetBlock(Of T())) Implements ISourceBlock(Of T()).ReleaseReservation
            m_source.ReleaseReservation(messageHeader, target)
        End Sub

#End Region

#Region "ITargetBlock<TInput> members"

        ' Asynchronously passes a message to the target block, giving the target the 
        ' opportunity to consume the message.
        Private Function OfferMessage(ByVal messageHeader As DataflowMessageHeader, ByVal messageValue As T, ByVal source As ISourceBlock(Of T), ByVal consumeToAccept As Boolean) As DataflowMessageStatus Implements ITargetBlock(Of T).OfferMessage
            Return m_target.OfferMessage(messageHeader, messageValue, source, consumeToAccept)
        End Function

#End Region

#Region "IDataflowBlock members"

        ' Gets a Task that represents the completion of this dataflow block.
        Public ReadOnly Property Completion() As Task Implements IDataflowBlock.Completion
                Return m_source.Completion
            End Get
        End Property

        ' Signals to this target block that it should not accept any more messages, 
        ' nor consume postponed messages. 
        Public Sub Complete() Implements IDataflowBlock.Complete
        End Sub

        Public Sub Fault(ByVal [error] As Exception) Implements IDataflowBlock.Fault
        End Sub

#End Region
    End Class

Полный пример

В следующем примере приведен полный код для этого руководства. Здесь также показано, как использовать оба блока скользящего окна в методе, который записывает в блок, считывает из него и выводит результаты на консоль.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;

// Demonstrates how to create a custom dataflow block type.
class Program
   // Creates a IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> object propagates data in a
   // sliding window fashion.
   public static IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> CreateSlidingWindow<T>(int windowSize)
      // Create a queue to hold messages.
      var queue = new Queue<T>();

      // The source part of the propagator holds arrays of size windowSize
      // and propagates data out to any connected targets.
      var source = new BufferBlock<T[]>();

      // The target part receives data and adds them to the queue.
      var target = new ActionBlock<T>(item =>
         // Add the item to the queue.
         // Remove the oldest item when the queue size exceeds the window size.
         if (queue.Count > windowSize)
         // Post the data in the queue to the source block when the queue size
         // equals the window size.
         if (queue.Count == windowSize)

      // When the target is set to the completed state, propagate out any
      // remaining data and set the source to the completed state.
         if (queue.Count > 0 && queue.Count < windowSize)

      // Return a IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> object that encapsulates the
      // target and source blocks.
      return DataflowBlock.Encapsulate(target, source);

   // Propagates data in a sliding window fashion.
   public class SlidingWindowBlock<T> : IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]>,
      // The size of the window.
      private readonly int m_windowSize;
      // The target part of the block.
      private readonly ITargetBlock<T> m_target;
      // The source part of the block.
      private readonly IReceivableSourceBlock<T[]> m_source;

      // Constructs a SlidingWindowBlock object.
      public SlidingWindowBlock(int windowSize)
         // Create a queue to hold messages.
         var queue = new Queue<T>();

         // The source part of the propagator holds arrays of size windowSize
         // and propagates data out to any connected targets.
         var source = new BufferBlock<T[]>();

         // The target part receives data and adds them to the queue.
         var target = new ActionBlock<T>(item =>
            // Add the item to the queue.
            // Remove the oldest item when the queue size exceeds the window size.
            if (queue.Count > windowSize)
            // Post the data in the queue to the source block when the queue size
            // equals the window size.
            if (queue.Count == windowSize)

         // When the target is set to the completed state, propagate out any
         // remaining data and set the source to the completed state.
            if (queue.Count > 0 && queue.Count < windowSize)

         m_windowSize = windowSize;
         m_target = target;
         m_source = source;

      // Retrieves the size of the window.
      public int WindowSize { get { return m_windowSize; } }

      #region IReceivableSourceBlock<TOutput> members

      // Attempts to synchronously receive an item from the source.
      public bool TryReceive(Predicate<T[]> filter, out T[] item)
         return m_source.TryReceive(filter, out item);

      // Attempts to remove all available elements from the source into a new
      // array that is returned.
      public bool TryReceiveAll(out IList<T[]> items)
         return m_source.TryReceiveAll(out items);


      #region ISourceBlock<TOutput> members

      // Links this dataflow block to the provided target.
      public IDisposable LinkTo(ITargetBlock<T[]> target, DataflowLinkOptions linkOptions)
         return m_source.LinkTo(target, linkOptions);

      // Called by a target to reserve a message previously offered by a source
      // but not yet consumed by this target.
      bool ISourceBlock<T[]>.ReserveMessage(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader,
         ITargetBlock<T[]> target)
         return m_source.ReserveMessage(messageHeader, target);

      // Called by a target to consume a previously offered message from a source.
      T[] ISourceBlock<T[]>.ConsumeMessage(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader,
         ITargetBlock<T[]> target, out bool messageConsumed)
         return m_source.ConsumeMessage(messageHeader,
            target, out messageConsumed);

      // Called by a target to release a previously reserved message from a source.
      void ISourceBlock<T[]>.ReleaseReservation(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader,
         ITargetBlock<T[]> target)
         m_source.ReleaseReservation(messageHeader, target);


      #region ITargetBlock<TInput> members

      // Asynchronously passes a message to the target block, giving the target the
      // opportunity to consume the message.
      DataflowMessageStatus ITargetBlock<T>.OfferMessage(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader,
         T messageValue, ISourceBlock<T> source, bool consumeToAccept)
         return m_target.OfferMessage(messageHeader,
            messageValue, source, consumeToAccept);


      #region IDataflowBlock members

      // Gets a Task that represents the completion of this dataflow block.
      public Task Completion { get { return m_source.Completion; } }

      // Signals to this target block that it should not accept any more messages,
      // nor consume postponed messages.
      public void Complete()

      public void Fault(Exception error)


   // Demonstrates usage of the sliding window block by sending the provided
   // values to the provided propagator block and printing the output of
   // that block to the console.
   static void DemonstrateSlidingWindow<T>(IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> slidingWindow,
      IEnumerable<T> values)
      // Create an action block that prints arrays of data to the console.
      string windowComma = string.Empty;
      var printWindow = new ActionBlock<T[]>(window =>

         string comma = string.Empty;
         foreach (T item in window)
            comma = ",";

         windowComma = ", ";

      // Link the printer block to the sliding window block.

      // Set the printer block to the completed state when the sliding window
      // block completes.
      slidingWindow.Completion.ContinueWith(delegate { printWindow.Complete(); });

      // Print an additional newline to the console when the printer block completes.
      var completion = printWindow.Completion.ContinueWith(delegate { Console.WriteLine(); });

      // Post the provided values to the sliding window block and then wait
      // for the sliding window block to complete.
      foreach (T value in values)

      // Wait for the printer to complete and perform its final action.

   static void Main(string[] args)

      Console.Write("Using the DataflowBlockExtensions.Encapsulate method ");
      Console.WriteLine("(T=int, windowSize=3):");
      DemonstrateSlidingWindow(CreateSlidingWindow<int>(3), Enumerable.Range(0, 10));


      var slidingWindow = new SlidingWindowBlock<char>(4);

      Console.Write("Using SlidingWindowBlock<T> ");
      Console.WriteLine("(T=char, windowSize={0}):", slidingWindow.WindowSize);
      DemonstrateSlidingWindow(slidingWindow, from n in Enumerable.Range(65, 10)
                                              select (char)n);

/* Output:
Using the DataflowBlockExtensions.Encapsulate method (T=int, windowSize=3):
{0,1,2}, {1,2,3}, {2,3,4}, {3,4,5}, {4,5,6}, {5,6,7}, {6,7,8}, {7,8,9}

Using SlidingWindowBlock<T> (T=char, windowSize=4):
{A,B,C,D}, {B,C,D,E}, {C,D,E,F}, {D,E,F,G}, {E,F,G,H}, {F,G,H,I}, {G,H,I,J}
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow

' Demonstrates how to create a custom dataflow block type.
Friend Class Program
    ' Creates a IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> object propagates data in a 
    ' sliding window fashion.
    Public Shared Function CreateSlidingWindow(Of T)(ByVal windowSize As Integer) As IPropagatorBlock(Of T, T())
        ' Create a queue to hold messages.
        Dim queue = New Queue(Of T)()

        ' The source part of the propagator holds arrays of size windowSize
        ' and propagates data out to any connected targets.
        Dim source = New BufferBlock(Of T())()

        ' The target part receives data and adds them to the queue.
        Dim target = New ActionBlock(Of T)(Sub(item)
                                               ' Add the item to the queue.
                                               ' Remove the oldest item when the queue size exceeds the window size.
                                               ' Post the data in the queue to the source block when the queue size
                                               ' equals the window size.
                                               If queue.Count > windowSize Then
                                               End If
                                               If queue.Count = windowSize Then
                                               End If
                                           End Sub)

        ' When the target is set to the completed state, propagate out any
        ' remaining data and set the source to the completed state.
                                           If queue.Count > 0 AndAlso queue.Count < windowSize Then
                                           End If
                                       End Sub)

        ' Return a IPropagatorBlock<T, T[]> object that encapsulates the 
        ' target and source blocks.
        Return DataflowBlock.Encapsulate(target, source)
    End Function

    ' Propagates data in a sliding window fashion.
    Public Class SlidingWindowBlock(Of T)
        Implements IPropagatorBlock(Of T, T()), IReceivableSourceBlock(Of T())
        ' The size of the window.
        Private ReadOnly m_windowSize As Integer
        ' The target part of the block.
        Private ReadOnly m_target As ITargetBlock(Of T)
        ' The source part of the block.
        Private ReadOnly m_source As IReceivableSourceBlock(Of T())

        ' Constructs a SlidingWindowBlock object.
        Public Sub New(ByVal windowSize As Integer)
            ' Create a queue to hold messages.
            Dim queue = New Queue(Of T)()

            ' The source part of the propagator holds arrays of size windowSize
            ' and propagates data out to any connected targets.
            Dim source = New BufferBlock(Of T())()

            ' The target part receives data and adds them to the queue.
            Dim target = New ActionBlock(Of T)(Sub(item)
                                                   ' Add the item to the queue.
                                                   ' Remove the oldest item when the queue size exceeds the window size.
                                                   ' Post the data in the queue to the source block when the queue size
                                                   ' equals the window size.
                                                   If queue.Count > windowSize Then
                                                   End If
                                                   If queue.Count = windowSize Then
                                                   End If
                                               End Sub)

            ' When the target is set to the completed state, propagate out any
            ' remaining data and set the source to the completed state.
                                               If queue.Count > 0 AndAlso queue.Count < windowSize Then
                                               End If
                                           End Sub)

            m_windowSize = windowSize
            m_target = target
            m_source = source
        End Sub

        ' Retrieves the size of the window.
        Public ReadOnly Property WindowSize() As Integer
                Return m_windowSize
            End Get
        End Property

        '#Region "IReceivableSourceBlock<TOutput> members"

        ' Attempts to synchronously receive an item from the source.
        Public Function TryReceive(ByVal filter As Predicate(Of T()), <System.Runtime.InteropServices.Out()> ByRef item() As T) As Boolean Implements IReceivableSourceBlock(Of T()).TryReceive
            Return m_source.TryReceive(filter, item)
        End Function

        ' Attempts to remove all available elements from the source into a new 
        ' array that is returned.
        Public Function TryReceiveAll(<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Out()> ByRef items As IList(Of T())) As Boolean Implements IReceivableSourceBlock(Of T()).TryReceiveAll
            Return m_source.TryReceiveAll(items)
        End Function

        '#End Region

#Region "ISourceBlock<TOutput> members"

        ' Links this dataflow block to the provided target.
        Public Function LinkTo(ByVal target As ITargetBlock(Of T()), ByVal linkOptions As DataflowLinkOptions) As IDisposable Implements ISourceBlock(Of T()).LinkTo
            Return m_source.LinkTo(target, linkOptions)
        End Function

        ' Called by a target to reserve a message previously offered by a source 
        ' but not yet consumed by this target.
        Private Function ReserveMessage(ByVal messageHeader As DataflowMessageHeader, ByVal target As ITargetBlock(Of T())) As Boolean Implements ISourceBlock(Of T()).ReserveMessage
            Return m_source.ReserveMessage(messageHeader, target)
        End Function

        ' Called by a target to consume a previously offered message from a source.
        Private Function ConsumeMessage(ByVal messageHeader As DataflowMessageHeader, ByVal target As ITargetBlock(Of T()), ByRef messageConsumed As Boolean) As T() Implements ISourceBlock(Of T()).ConsumeMessage
            Return m_source.ConsumeMessage(messageHeader, target, messageConsumed)
        End Function

        ' Called by a target to release a previously reserved message from a source.
        Private Sub ReleaseReservation(ByVal messageHeader As DataflowMessageHeader, ByVal target As ITargetBlock(Of T())) Implements ISourceBlock(Of T()).ReleaseReservation
            m_source.ReleaseReservation(messageHeader, target)
        End Sub

#End Region

#Region "ITargetBlock<TInput> members"

        ' Asynchronously passes a message to the target block, giving the target the 
        ' opportunity to consume the message.
        Private Function OfferMessage(ByVal messageHeader As DataflowMessageHeader, ByVal messageValue As T, ByVal source As ISourceBlock(Of T), ByVal consumeToAccept As Boolean) As DataflowMessageStatus Implements ITargetBlock(Of T).OfferMessage
            Return m_target.OfferMessage(messageHeader, messageValue, source, consumeToAccept)
        End Function

#End Region

#Region "IDataflowBlock members"

        ' Gets a Task that represents the completion of this dataflow block.
        Public ReadOnly Property Completion() As Task Implements IDataflowBlock.Completion
                Return m_source.Completion
            End Get
        End Property

        ' Signals to this target block that it should not accept any more messages, 
        ' nor consume postponed messages. 
        Public Sub Complete() Implements IDataflowBlock.Complete
        End Sub

        Public Sub Fault(ByVal [error] As Exception) Implements IDataflowBlock.Fault
        End Sub

#End Region
    End Class

    ' Demonstrates usage of the sliding window block by sending the provided
    ' values to the provided propagator block and printing the output of 
    ' that block to the console.
    Private Shared Sub DemonstrateSlidingWindow(Of T)(ByVal slidingWindow As IPropagatorBlock(Of T, T()), ByVal values As IEnumerable(Of T))
        ' Create an action block that prints arrays of data to the console.
        Dim windowComma As String = String.Empty
        Dim printWindow = New ActionBlock(Of T())(Sub(window)
                                                      Dim comma As String = String.Empty
                                                      For Each item As T In window
                                                          comma = ","
                                                      Next item
                                                      windowComma = ", "
                                                  End Sub)

        ' Link the printer block to the sliding window block.

        ' Set the printer block to the completed state when the sliding window
        ' block completes.
        slidingWindow.Completion.ContinueWith(Sub() printWindow.Complete())

        ' Print an additional newline to the console when the printer block completes.
        Dim completion = printWindow.Completion.ContinueWith(Sub() Console.WriteLine())

        ' Post the provided values to the sliding window block and then wait
        ' for the sliding window block to complete.
        For Each value As T In values
        Next value

        ' Wait for the printer to complete and perform its final action.
    End Sub

    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)

        Console.Write("Using the DataflowBlockExtensions.Encapsulate method ")
        Console.WriteLine("(T=int, windowSize=3):")
        DemonstrateSlidingWindow(CreateSlidingWindow(Of Integer)(3), Enumerable.Range(0, 10))


        Dim slidingWindow = New SlidingWindowBlock(Of Char)(4)

        Console.Write("Using SlidingWindowBlock<T> ")
        Console.WriteLine("(T=char, windowSize={0}):", slidingWindow.WindowSize)
        DemonstrateSlidingWindow(slidingWindow, _
            From n In Enumerable.Range(65, 10) _
            Select ChrW(n))
    End Sub
End Class

' Output:
'Using the DataflowBlockExtensions.Encapsulate method (T=int, windowSize=3):
'{0,1,2}, {1,2,3}, {2,3,4}, {3,4,5}, {4,5,6}, {5,6,7}, {6,7,8}, {7,8,9}
'Using SlidingWindowBlock<T> (T=char, windowSize=4):
'{A,B,C,D}, {B,C,D,E}, {C,D,E,F}, {D,E,F,G}, {E,F,G,H}, {F,G,H,I}, {G,H,I,J}

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