Report.Language([Integer]) Method

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Gets or sets the current language setting for the report.


[CurrentLanguage := ]  Report.Language([Language: Integer])


This method can be invoked using property access syntax.


 Type: Report
An instance of the Report data type.

[Optional] Language
 Type: Integer
The new language setting for the report.

Return Value

[Optional] CurrentLanguage
 Type: Integer
The current language setting for the report.


The Language integer parameter must point to a valid Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID). For more information, see Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID) Reference. The Language codeunit includes the GetLanguageId method that can safely return a valid LCID from a language code in the Language table. If you call Report.Language with an invalid LCID, then a runtime error occurs.

If you have reports that you want to print in the language of the recipient rather than in your own working language, you can add a single line of code in the report to handle this. This functionality is already enabled for most reports in the standard Business Central database. The document is printed in the language that's specified in the Language Code field on the Customer Card page.

For reports that need the multiple document languages functionality, you must insert the following AL code as the first line in the OnAfterGetRecord() trigger on the data item referencing the Customer table (notice that the feature isn't limited to the Customer table, other data sources provide similar functionality):

CurrReport.Language := LanguageMgmt.GetLanguageIdOrDefault("Language Code");

For each of these reports, you must create a new variable, LanguageMgmt, with the data type Codeunit pointing to the Language codeunit. When you have compiled the object, it'll no longer print in the user's working application language if another language has been specified on the Customer Card page.


The following example illustrates how to use the Language codeunit to set the language defined on the customer card in a report. The example is based on report 10071 "Customer Stmt. (Pre-Printed)" from the base application.

report 10071 "Customer Stmt. (Pre-Printed)"
  // report properties 

    dataitem(Customer; Customer)
      // data item fields and nested dataitems here

      trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
        CurrReport.Language := LanguageMgt.GetLanguageIdOrDefault("Language Code");
        CurrReport.FormatRegion := LanguageMgt.GetFormatRegionOrDefault("Format Region");

        // maybe more code here

    // requestpage section

    // rendering section

    LanguageMgmt: Codeunit Language;

Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID) Reference
Report Localization
Report Data Type
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