System.Format(Any, Integer, Text) Method

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Formats a value into a string.


String :=   System.Format(Value: Any, Length: Integer, FormatString: Text)


This method can be invoked without specifying the data type name.


 Type: Any
This is an AL variable (expression) of any simple data type, such as Option, Integer, BigInteger, Decimal, Char, Text, Code, Date, Time, DateTime, Boolean, or GUID. If, when the system formats Value, the result is a value larger than the maximum length MAXSTRLEN method (Code, Text) of String, a run-time error occurs.

 Type: Integer
This optional parameter specifies the length of String.

 Type: Text
A literal string that defines a format as in the Format Property.

Return Value

 Type: Text


For the Length parameter, the following rules apply:

  • If Length = 0 then the entire value is returned (default).

  • If Length > 0 then the returned string will be exactly Length characters.

    If Value is less than Length characters, then either leading or trailing spaces are inserted, depending on the format that you select.

    If Value exceeds Length characters, then String is truncated to Length characters.

  • If Length < 0 then the returned string will not have leading or trailing spaces.

    If Value is less than Length characters, the length of String will equal the length of Value.

    If Value exceeds Length characters, then String is truncated to Length characters.

For more information, see Formatting Values, Dates, and Time.

Example 1

    Text000: Label 'The formatted value >%1<';
    Message(Text000, Format(-123456.78, 12, 3));  
    Message(Text000, Format(-123456.78, 12, '<Standard Format,3>'));  
    Message(Text000, Format(-123456.78, 12, '<Integer Thousand><Decimals><Sign,1>'));  

The Regional and Language settings on the computer on which you run the code affect how the string is displayed. For example, on a computer that has the regional format set to English (United States), the message window displays the following:

The formatted value: > 123,456.78-<
The formatted value: > 123,456.78-<
The formatted value: > 123,456.78-<

On a computer that has the regional format set to Danish (Denmark), the message window displays the following:

The formatted value: > 123.456,78-<
The formatted value: > 123.456,78-<
The formatted value: > 123.456,78-<

Example 2

This example shows how to use a string to build a format.

    Text000: Label 'Today is %1';
    Message(Text000, Format(Today,0,'<Month Text> <Day>'));  

The message window displays the following:

Today is April 15.

Formatting Values, Dates, and Time
System Data Type
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