
Defines the current chat status of a user in relationship to the local users.


enum class game_chat_user_chat_indicator  


Constant Description
silent The user is not currently talking.

Users that have recently been added to the local chat_manager instance are silent until Game Chat has finished performing asynchronous privacy and privilege checks.
talking The user is currently talking.
local_microphone_muted The user's local microphone is muted.
incoming_communications_muted The remote user has been muted by all local users.
reputation_restricted Chat with this user is limited because the user has an "Avoid Me" reputation designated by the Xbox Live service and Game Chat 2 has applied a game_chat_communication_relationship_adjuster::reputation relationship adjuster for one or more local users.
platform_restricted Chat with this user is limited due to platform restrictions involving one or more local users.
no_chat_focus The user is not able to chat because the app hasn't specified the microphone capability in its AppXManifest, or a user has changed chat audio focus away from the app.
no_microphone The user does not have a microphone available or configured.

This state appears only for local users. If chat communication with a remote user without a microphone would otherwise be restricted due to, for example, muting or team membership, the remote user appears as having that restriction. Otherwise, a remote user without a microphone appears as silent.


This enumeration is used by chat_user::chat_indicator to assist in providing a UI representation of the current chat status of a user, in relation to the local users. The representation is meant to provide local users with information as to what and why they are, or aren't, hearing or seeing in terms of communication with that user. For more information about providing a UI representation of the current chat status of a user, see the UI section of Using the Game Chat C++ API.


Header: GameChat2.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Intro to Game Chat 2
GameChat2 members