Поделиться через

Excel.ConditionalIconCriterion interface

Представляет условие значка, содержащее тип, значение, оператор и необязательный настраиваемый значок, если набор значков не используется.


[ Набор API: ExcelApi 1.6 ]



Пользовательский значок для текущего критерия, если он отличается от установленного по умолчанию значка, в противном случае null будет возвращен.


Число или формула в зависимости от типа.


greaterThan или greaterThanOrEqual для каждого из типов правил условного формата значка.


На чем должна основываться условная формула значка.

Сведения о свойстве


Пользовательский значок для текущего критерия, если он отличается от установленного по умолчанию значка, в противном случае null будет возвращен.

customIcon?: Excel.Icon;

Значение свойства


[ Набор API: ExcelApi 1.6 ]


Число или формула в зависимости от типа.

formula: string;

Значение свойства



[ Набор API: ExcelApi 1.6 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/14-conditional-formatting/conditional-formatting-basic.yaml

await Excel.run(async (context) => {
    const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sample");
    const range = sheet.getRange("B8:E13");
    const conditionalFormat = range.conditionalFormats
    const iconSetCF = conditionalFormat.iconSet;
    iconSetCF.style = Excel.IconSet.threeTriangles;

        The iconSetCF.criteria array is automatically prepopulated with
        criterion elements whose properties have been given default settings.
        You can't write to each property of a criterion directly. Instead,
        replace the whole criteria object.

        With a "three*" icon set style, such as "threeTriangles", the third
        element in the criteria array (criteria[2]) defines the "top" icon;
        e.g., a green triangle. The second (criteria[1]) defines the "middle"
        icon. The first (criteria[0]) defines the "low" icon, but it
        can often be left empty as the following object shows, because every
        cell that does not match the other two criteria always gets the low
    iconSetCF.criteria = [
        {} as any,
            type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
            operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
            formula: "=700"
            type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
            operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
            formula: "=1000",

    await context.sync();


greaterThan или greaterThanOrEqual для каждого из типов правил условного формата значка.

operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator | "Invalid" | "GreaterThan" | "GreaterThanOrEqual";

Значение свойства

Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator | "Invalid" | "GreaterThan" | "GreaterThanOrEqual"


[ Набор API: ExcelApi 1.6 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/14-conditional-formatting/conditional-formatting-basic.yaml

await Excel.run(async (context) => {
    const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sample");
    const range = sheet.getRange("B8:E13");
    const conditionalFormat = range.conditionalFormats
    const iconSetCF = conditionalFormat.iconSet;
    iconSetCF.style = Excel.IconSet.threeTriangles;

        The iconSetCF.criteria array is automatically prepopulated with
        criterion elements whose properties have been given default settings.
        You can't write to each property of a criterion directly. Instead,
        replace the whole criteria object.

        With a "three*" icon set style, such as "threeTriangles", the third
        element in the criteria array (criteria[2]) defines the "top" icon;
        e.g., a green triangle. The second (criteria[1]) defines the "middle"
        icon. The first (criteria[0]) defines the "low" icon, but it
        can often be left empty as the following object shows, because every
        cell that does not match the other two criteria always gets the low
    iconSetCF.criteria = [
        {} as any,
            type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
            operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
            formula: "=700"
            type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
            operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
            formula: "=1000",

    await context.sync();


На чем должна основываться условная формула значка.

type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType | "Invalid" | "Number" | "Percent" | "Formula" | "Percentile";

Значение свойства

Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType | "Invalid" | "Number" | "Percent" | "Formula" | "Percentile"


[ Набор API: ExcelApi 1.6 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/14-conditional-formatting/conditional-formatting-basic.yaml

await Excel.run(async (context) => {
    const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sample");
    const range = sheet.getRange("B8:E13");
    const conditionalFormat = range.conditionalFormats
    const iconSetCF = conditionalFormat.iconSet;
    iconSetCF.style = Excel.IconSet.threeTriangles;

        The iconSetCF.criteria array is automatically prepopulated with
        criterion elements whose properties have been given default settings.
        You can't write to each property of a criterion directly. Instead,
        replace the whole criteria object.

        With a "three*" icon set style, such as "threeTriangles", the third
        element in the criteria array (criteria[2]) defines the "top" icon;
        e.g., a green triangle. The second (criteria[1]) defines the "middle"
        icon. The first (criteria[0]) defines the "low" icon, but it
        can often be left empty as the following object shows, because every
        cell that does not match the other two criteria always gets the low
    iconSetCF.criteria = [
        {} as any,
            type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
            operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
            formula: "=700"
            type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
            operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
            formula: "=1000",

    await context.sync();