Поделиться через

Excel.WorksheetPositionType enum

Положение листа относительно другого листа или всей коллекции листов.


[ Набор API: ExcelApi 1.7 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/50-workbook/workbook-insert-external-worksheets.yaml

await Excel.run(async (context) => {
    // Retrieve the source workbook.
    const workbook = context.workbook;
    // Set up the insert options.
    const options = {
        sheetNamesToInsert: [], // Insert all the worksheets from the source workbook.
        positionType: Excel.WorksheetPositionType.after, // Insert after the `relativeTo` sheet.
        relativeTo: "Sheet1" // The sheet relative to which the other worksheets will be inserted. Used with `positionType`.
    // Insert the new worksheets.
    workbook.insertWorksheetsFromBase64(externalWorkbook, options);
    await context.sync();


after = "After"
before = "Before"
beginning = "Beginning"
end = "End"
none = "None"