Поделиться через

Word.ListBuiltInNumberStyle enum


[ Набор API: WordApiDesktop 1.1 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/word/20-lists/manage-list-styles.yaml

// Gets the properties of the specified style.
await Word.run(async (context) => {
  const styleName = $("#style-name-to-use").val() as string;
  if (styleName == "") {
    console.warn("Enter a style name to get properties.");

  const style: Word.Style = context.document.getStyles().getByNameOrNullObject(styleName);
  await context.sync();

  if (style.isNullObject || style.type != Word.StyleType.list) {
    console.warn(`There's no existing style with the name '${styleName}'. Or this isn't a list style.`);
  } else {
    // Load objects to log properties and their values in the console.
    await context.sync();

    console.log(`Properties of the '${styleName}' style:`, style);

    const listLevels = style.listTemplate.listLevels;
    await context.sync();

    console.log(`List levels of the '${styleName}' style:`, listLevels);


aiueo = "Aiueo"
aiueoHalfWidth = "AiueoHalfWidth"
arabic = "Arabic"
arabic1 = "Arabic1"
arabic2 = "Arabic2"
arabicFullWidth = "ArabicFullWidth"
arabicLZ = "ArabicLZ"
arabicLZ2 = "ArabicLZ2"
arabicLZ3 = "ArabicLZ3"
arabicLZ4 = "ArabicLZ4"
bullet = "Bullet"
cardinalText = "CardinalText"
chosung = "Chosung"
ganada = "Ganada"
gbnum1 = "GBNum1"
gbnum2 = "GBNum2"
gbnum3 = "GBNum3"
gbnum4 = "GBNum4"
hangul = "Hangul"
hanja = "Hanja"
hanjaRead = "HanjaRead"
hanjaReadDigit = "HanjaReadDigit"
hebrew1 = "Hebrew1"
hebrew2 = "Hebrew2"
hindiArabic = "HindiArabic"
hindiCardinalText = "HindiCardinalText"
hindiLetter1 = "HindiLetter1"
hindiLetter2 = "HindiLetter2"
iroha = "Iroha"
irohaHalfWidth = "IrohaHalfWidth"
kanji = "Kanji"
kanjiDigit = "KanjiDigit"
kanjiTraditional = "KanjiTraditional"
kanjiTraditional2 = "KanjiTraditional2"
legal = "Legal"
legalLZ = "LegalLZ"
lowercaseBulgarian = "LowercaseBulgarian"
lowercaseGreek = "LowercaseGreek"
lowercaseRussian = "LowercaseRussian"
lowercaseTurkish = "LowercaseTurkish"
lowerLetter = "LowerLetter"
lowerRoman = "LowerRoman"
none = "None"
numberInCircle = "NumberInCircle"
ordinal = "Ordinal"
ordinalText = "OrdinalText"
pictureBullet = "PictureBullet"
simpChinNum1 = "SimpChinNum1"
simpChinNum2 = "SimpChinNum2"
simpChinNum3 = "SimpChinNum3"
simpChinNum4 = "SimpChinNum4"
thaiArabic = "ThaiArabic"
thaiCardinalText = "ThaiCardinalText"
thaiLetter = "ThaiLetter"
tradChinNum1 = "TradChinNum1"
tradChinNum2 = "TradChinNum2"
tradChinNum3 = "TradChinNum3"
tradChinNum4 = "TradChinNum4"
uppercaseBulgarian = "UppercaseBulgarian"
uppercaseGreek = "UppercaseGreek"
uppercaseRussian = "UppercaseRussian"
uppercaseTurkish = "UppercaseTurkish"
upperLetter = "UpperLetter"
upperRoman = "UpperRoman"
vietCardinalText = "VietCardinalText"
zodiac1 = "Zodiac1"
zodiac2 = "Zodiac2"
zodiac3 = "Zodiac3"