interface ICoreWebView2Settings6

interface ICoreWebView2Settings6
  : public ICoreWebView2Settings5

A continuation of the ICoreWebView2Settings interface to manage swipe navigation.


Members Descriptions
get_IsSwipeNavigationEnabled Gets the IsSwipeNavigationEnabled property.
put_IsSwipeNavigationEnabled The IsSwipeNavigationEnabled property enables or disables the ability of the end user to use swiping gesture on touch input enabled devices to navigate in WebView2.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 1.0.992.28
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 1.0.1010



Gets the IsSwipeNavigationEnabled property.

public HRESULT get_IsSwipeNavigationEnabled(BOOL * value)


The IsSwipeNavigationEnabled property enables or disables the ability of the end user to use swiping gesture on touch input enabled devices to navigate in WebView2.

public HRESULT put_IsSwipeNavigationEnabled(BOOL value)

It defaults to TRUE.

When this property is TRUE, then all configured navigation gestures are enabled:

  1. Swiping left and right to navigate forward and backward is always configured.

  2. Swiping down to refresh is off by default and not exposed via our API currently, it requires the "--pull-to-refresh" option to be included in the additional browser arguments to be configured. (See put_AdditionalBrowserArguments.)

When set to FALSE, the end user cannot swipe to navigate or pull to refresh. This API only affects the overscrolling navigation functionality and has no effect on the scrolling interaction used to explore the web content shown in WebView2.

Disabling/Enabling IsSwipeNavigationEnabled takes effect after the next navigation.

            BOOL swipeNavigationEnabled;
            if (swipeNavigationEnabled)
                    nullptr, L"Swipe to navigate is disabled after the next navigation.",
                    L"Settings change", MB_OK);
                    nullptr, L"Swipe to navigate is enabled after the next navigation.",
                    L"Settings change", MB_OK);