Поделиться через

Пример использования элемента управления ComboBox, метода AddItem и свойств Picture и PicturePosition

В следующем примере comboBox используется для отображения параметров размещения рисунков для элемента управления . Каждый раз, когда пользователь щелкает выбор списка, изображение и подпись обновляются в CommandButton. В этом примере кода также используется метод AddItem для заполнения вариантов ComboBox .

Чтобы воспользоваться этим примером, скопируйте данный пример кода в раздел описаний формы. Убедитесь, что эта форма содержит:

  • Метка с именем Label1.
  • Элемент CommandButton с именем CommandButton1.
  • Элемент ComboBox с именем ComboBox1.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 
 Label1.Left = 18 
 Label1.Top = 12 
 Label1.Height = 12 
 Label1.Width = 190 
 Label1.Caption = "Select picture placement " _ 
 & "relative to the caption." 
 'Add list entries to combo box. The value of each 
 'entry matches the corresponding ListIndex value 
 'in the combo box. 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Left Top" 'ListIndex = 0 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Left Center" 'ListIndex = 1 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Left Bottom" 'ListIndex = 2 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Right Top" 'ListIndex = 3 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Right Center" 'ListIndex = 4 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Right Bottom" 'ListIndex = 5 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Above Left" 'ListIndex = 6 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Above Center" 'ListIndex = 7 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Above Right" 'ListIndex = 8 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Below Left" 'ListIndex = 9 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Below Center" 'ListIndex = 10 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Below Right" 'ListIndex = 11 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Centered" 'ListIndex = 12 
 'Use drop-down list 
 ComboBox1.Style = fmStyleDropDownList 
 'Combo box values are ListIndex values 
 ComboBox1.BoundColumn = 0 
 'Set combo box to first entry 
 ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 
 ComboBox1.Left = 18 
 ComboBox1.Top = 36 
 ComboBox1.Width = 90 
 ComboBox1.ListWidth = 90 
 'Initialize CommandButton1 
 CommandButton1.Left = 230 
 CommandButton1.Top = 36 
 CommandButton1.Height = 120 
 CommandButton1.Width = 120 
 'Note: Be sure to refer to a bitmap file that is 
 'present on your system, and to include the path 
 'in the filename. 
 CommandButton1.Picture = _ 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = ComboBox1.Value 
End Sub 
Private Sub ComboBox1_Click() 
 Select Case ComboBox1.Value 
 Case 0 'Left Top 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Left Top" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 1 'Left Center 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Left Center" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 2 'Left Bottom 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Left Bottom" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 3 'Right Top 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Right Top" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 4 'Right Center 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Right Center" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 5 'Right Bottom 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Right Bottom" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 6 'Above Left 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Above Left" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 7 'Above Center 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Above Center" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 8 'Above Right 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Above Right" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 9 'Below Left 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Below Left" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 10 'Below Center 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Below Center" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 11 'Below Right 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Below Right" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 Case 12 'Centered 
 CommandButton1.Caption = "Centered" 
 CommandButton1.PicturePosition = _ 
 End Select 
End Sub

Поддержка и обратная связь

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