Informative summary of behavior: The TransformOutput procedure transforms the native reply (a superset of all supported reply messages) into the reply version supported by the client, optionally compressing it. The compression algorithms used for the DRS_COMP_ALG_WIN2K3 algorithm type are specified in section The compression algorithm used for the DRS_COMP_ALG_MSZIP algorithm type is specified in [RFC1951].
pickled: sequence of BYTE compressed: sequence of BYTE allowedAlgs: set of DRS_COMP_ALG_TYPE compressAlg: DRS_COMP_ALG_TYPE compress: boolean /* The SMTP transport [MS-SRPL] performs its own compression. */ compress := DRS_USE_COMPRESSION in flags and not DRS_MAIL_REP in flags if pdwOutVersion^ < dc.minimumGetChangesReplyVersion return ERROR_REVISION_MISMATCH if pdwOutVersion^ = 9 or pdwOutVesion^ = 6 then if pdwOutVersion^ = 9 then /* Convert to V9.*/ pdwOutVersion^ := 9 pmsgOut^.V9 := msgOut else if pdwOutVersion^ = 6 then /* Convert to V6. */ pdwOutVersion^ := 6 pmsgOut^.V6 := msgOut pmsgOut^.V6.rgValues := ReplValInfV1ListFromReplValInfNativeList(msgOut.rgValues) endif if compress then /* Note that the only difference between the compression processing of a V2 and */ /* a V7 message is that a V7 message can use the DRS_COMP_ALG_WIN2K3 compression */ /* algorithm and a V2 message can not. */ /* Return V7 (compressed V6 or V9). */ if not DRS_EXT_GETCHGREPLY_V7 in ext.dwFlags then return ERROR_REVISION_MISMATCH endif /* Serialize msgOut into a byte stream. */ pickled := Pickling of pmsgOut^.V6 or pmsgOut^.V9, as specified by [C311] Part 2, "IDL/NDR Pickles", and [MS-RPCE] sections 2.2.6 and 2.2.7, "Type Serialization Version 1" and "Type Serialization Version 2" /* Select a compression algorithm. */ allowedAlgs := {DRS_COMP_ALG_NONE, DRS_COMP_ALG_MSZIP} if DRS_EXT_W2K3_DEFLATE in ext.dwFlags then allowedAlgs := allowedAlgs + {DRS_COMP_ALG_WIN2K3} endif compressAlg := One of allowedAlgs, selected by an implementation-defined policy. /* Compress the serialized msgOut. */ if (compressionAlg = DRS_COMP_ALG_MSZIP) then compressed := Compress pickled in accordance with [RFC1951]. else CompressOrDecompressWin2k3(pickled, compressed, pickled.length, TRUE) endif pmsgOut^.V7.dwCompressedVersion := pdwOutVersion^ pmsgOut^.V7.CompressionAlg := compressAlg pmsgOut^.V7.CompressedAny.cbUncompressedSize := pickled.length pmsgOut^.V7.CompressedAny.cbCompressedSize := compressed.length pmsgOut^.V7.CompressedAny.pbCompressedData := bytes in compressed pdwOutVersion^ := 7 endif else /* Return V1 (uncompressed) or V2 (compressed V1). */ /* First, convert to V1. */ pdwOutVersion^ := 1 pmsgOut^.V1 := msgOut pmsgOut^.V1.pUpToDateVecSrc := Convert msgOut.pUpToDateVecSrc (of type UPTODATE_VECTOR_V1_EXT) to UPTODATE_VECTOR_V2_EXT by creating a new UPTODATE_VECTOR_V1_EXT with a V1 cursor for each V2 cursor, sans the timeLastSyncSuccess field. /* V1 has the NC size in the ulExtendedRet field. */ if msgOut.cNumNcSizeObjects > 0 then pmsgOut^.V1.ulExtendedRet := msgOut.cNumNcSizeObjects endif if compress then /* Serialize msgOut into a byte stream. */ pickled := Pickling of pmsgOut^.V1, as specified by [C311] Part 2, "IDL/NDR Pickles" and [MS-RPCE] sections 2.2.6 and 2.2.7, "Type Serialization Version 1" and "Type Serialization Version 2" /* Select a compression algorithm. */ allowedAlgs := {DRS_COMP_ALG_NONE, DRS_COMP_ALG_MSZIP} compressAlg := One of allowedAlgs, selected by an implementation-defined policy. /* Compress the serialized msgOut. */ if (compressionAlg = DRS_COMP_ALG_MSZIP) then compressed := Compress pickled in accordance with [RFC1951]. else CompressOrDecompressWin2k3(pickled, compressed, pickled.length, TRUE) endif pdwOutVersion^ := 2 pmsgOut^.V2.CompressedV1.cbUncompressedSize := pickled.length pmsgOut^.V2.CompressedV1.cbCompressedSize := compressed.length pmsgOut^.V2.CompressedV1.pbCompressedData := bytes in compressed endif endif return 0