ElasticFileAttachment table/entity reference


Unsure about table vs. entity? See Developers: Understand terminology in Microsoft Dataverse.

Elastic File Attachment

Added by: NonRelational Data Provider Custom Actions Solution


Message Web API Operation SDK class or method
Create POST /elasticfileattachments
See Create
CreateRequest or
CreateMultiple CreateMultipleRequest
Delete DELETE /elasticfileattachments(elasticfileattachmentid)
See Delete
DeleteRequest or
Retrieve GET /elasticfileattachments(elasticfileattachmentid)
See Retrieve
RetrieveRequest or
RetrieveEntityChanges RetrieveEntityChangesRequest
RetrieveMultiple GET /elasticfileattachments
See Query Data
RetrieveMultipleRequest or
Update PATCH /elasticfileattachments(elasticfileattachmentid)
See Update
UpdateRequest or
UpdateMultiple UpdateMultipleRequest
Upsert UpsertRequest
UpsertMultiple UpsertMultipleRequest


Property Value
CollectionSchemaName ElasticFileAttachments
DisplayCollectionName ElasticFileAttachments
DisplayName ElasticFileAttachment
EntitySetName elasticfileattachments
IsBPFEntity False
LogicalCollectionName elasticfileattachments
LogicalName elasticfileattachment
OwnershipType None
PrimaryIdAttribute elasticfileattachmentid
PrimaryNameAttribute filename
SchemaName ElasticFileAttachment

Writable columns/attributes

These columns/attributes return true for either IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate (usually both). Listed by SchemaName.


Property Value
Description Unique identifier of the elastic file attachment.
DisplayName ElasticFileAttachmentId
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
IsValidForUpdate False
LogicalName elasticfileattachmentid
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Uniqueidentifier


Property Value
Description File name of the attachment.
DisplayName File Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName filename
MaxLength 255
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Sequence number of the import that created this record.
DisplayName Import Sequence Number
Format None
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
IsValidForUpdate False
LogicalName importsequencenumber
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -2147483648
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Property Value
Description MIME type of the attachment.
DisplayName MIME Type
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName mimetype
MaxLength 256
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Unique identifier of the object with which the attachment is associated.
DisplayName Regarding
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName objectid
RequiredLevel None
Targets componentversionnrddatasource
Type Lookup


Added by: Active Solution Solution

Property Value
Description Type of entity with which the elastic file attachment is associated.
DisplayName Object Id Type Code
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName objectidtypecode
RequiredLevel None
Type EntityName


Property Value
Description Type of entity with which the elastic file attachment is associated.
DisplayName Object Type
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName objecttypecode
RequiredLevel None
Type EntityName


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Date and time that the record was migrated.
DisplayName Record Created On
Format DateOnly
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
IsValidForUpdate False
LogicalName overriddencreatedon
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Property Value
Description Logical partition id. A logical partition consists of a set of records with same partition id.
DisplayName Partition Id
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName partitionid
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Regarding attribute schema name of the attachment.
DisplayName Regarding Attribute Schema Name
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName regardingfieldname
MaxLength 255
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Time to live in seconds.
DisplayName Time to live
Format None
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName ttlinseconds
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue 1
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer

Read-only columns/attributes

These columns/attributes return false for both IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate. Listed by SchemaName.


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Date and time when the attachment was created.
DisplayName Created On
Format DateAndTime
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdon
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Property Value
Description File pointer of the attachment.
DisplayName File Pointer
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead False
LogicalName filepointer
MaxLength 255
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description File size of the attachment in bytes.
DisplayName File Size (Bytes)
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName filesizeinbytes
MaxValue 9223372036854775807
MinValue -9223372036854775808
RequiredLevel None
Type BigInt


Property Value
Description Prefix of the file pointer in blob storage.
DisplayName Prefix
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead False
LogicalName prefix
MaxLength 10
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Storage pointer.
DisplayName Storage Pointer
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead False
LogicalName storagepointer
MaxLength 10
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Added by: Active Solution Solution

Property Value
Description Version number of the file attachment.
DisplayName Version Number
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName versionnumber
MaxValue 9223372036854775807
MinValue -9223372036854775808
RequiredLevel None
Type BigInt

One-To-Many Relationships

Listed by SchemaName.


Added by: Component Versioning Solution

Same as the ElasticFileAttachment_componentversionnrddatasource_Payload many-to-one relationship for the componentversionnrddatasource table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity componentversionnrddatasource
ReferencingAttribute payload
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName ElasticFileAttachment_componentversionnrddatasource_Payload
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: RemoveLink
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade

Many-To-One Relationships

Each Many-To-One relationship is defined by a corresponding One-To-Many relationship with the related table. Listed by SchemaName.


Added by: Component Versioning Solution

See the componentversionnrddatasource_ElasticFileAttachments one-to-many relationship for the componentversionnrddatasource table/entity.

See also

Dataverse table/entity reference
Web API Reference
elasticfileattachment EntityType