Automation Assets
Automation Assets are resources that are available to all runbooks in an Automation account. You create and configure assets using either the Azure portal or Windows PowerShell cmdlets. You can retrieve values for assets in a runbook with activities that are available for each asset type.
The following topics provide details on the different automation assets, how to create and edit them using both the portal and Windows PowerShell, and using them with activities in a runbook.
Certificates can be stored in Azure Automation so they can be used by runbooks for authentication or added to an Azure resource.
An Automation connection asset contains the information required to connect to a service or application from a runbook.
An Automation credential asset holds a PSCredential object which contains security credentials such as a username and password.
Automation schedules assets are used to schedule runbooks to run automatically.
Automation variable assets are values that are available to all runbooks.