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Creates a new CTime object initialized with the specified time.

CTime( ) throw( );
   __time64_t time 
) throw( );
   int nYear,
   int nMonth,
   int nDay,
   int nHour,
   int nMin,
   int nSec,
   int nDST = -1 
   WORD wDosDate,
   WORD wDosTime,
   int nDST = -1 
   const SYSTEMTIME& st,
   int nDST = - 1 
) throw( );
   const FILETIME& ft,
   int nDST = - 1 
   const DBTIMESTAMP& dbts,
   int nDST = -1
) throw( );


  • timeSrc
    Indicates a CTime object that already exists.

  • time
    A __time64_t time value, which is the number of seconds after January 1, 1970 UTC. Note that this will be adjusted to your local time. For example, if you are in New York and create a CTime object by passing a parameter of 0, CTime::GetMonth will return 12.

    In Visual C++ versions 6.0 and earlier, time was a value of time_t. Visual C++ .NET and later converts a time_t parameter to __time64_t.

  • nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMin, nSec
    Indicates the date and time values to be copied into the new CTime object.

  • nDST
    Indicates whether daylight savings time is in effect. Can have one of three values:

    • nDST set to 0   Standard time is in effect.

    • nDST set to a value greater than 0   Daylight savings time is in effect.

    • nDST set to a value less than 0   The default. Automatically computes whether standard time or daylight savings time is in effect.

  • wDosDate, wDosTime
    MS-DOS date and time values to be converted to a date/time value and copied into the new CTime object.

  • st
    A SYSTEMTIME structure to be converted to a date/time value and copied into the new CTime object.

  • ft
    A FILETIME structure to be converted to a date/time value and copied into the new CTime object.

  • dbts
    A reference to a DBTimeStamp structure containing the current local time.


Each constructor is described below:

  • CTime( );   Constructs an uninitialized CTime object. This constructor allows you to define CTime object arrays. You should initialize such arrays with valid times before using.

  • CTime( const CTime& );   Constructs a CTime object from another CTime value.

  • CTime( __time64_t );   Constructs a CTime object from a __time64_t type. This constructor expects a UTC time and converts the result to a local time before storing the result.

  • CTime( int, int, ...);   Constructs a CTime object from local time components with each component constrained to the following ranges:















    This constructor makes the appropriate conversion to UTC. The Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library asserts if one or more of the time components are out of range. You must validate the arguments before calling. This constructor expects a local time.

  • CTime( WORD, WORD );   Constructs a CTime object from the specified MS-DOS date and time values. This constructor expects a local time.

  • CTime( const SYSTEMTIME& );   Constructs a CTime object from a SYSTEMTIME structure. This constructor expects a local time.

  • CTime( const FILETIME& );   Constructs a CTime object from a FILETIME structure. You most likely will not use CTime FILETIME initialization directly. If you use a CFile object to manipulate a file, CFile::GetStatus retrieves the file time stamp for you through a CTime object initialized with a FILETIME structure. This constructor assumes a time based on UTC and automatically converts the value to local time before storing the result.


    The constructor using DBTIMESTAMP parameter is only available when OLEDB.h is included.

For more information, see the SYSTEMTIME and FILETIME structure in the Windows SDK. Also see the MS-DOS Date and Time entry in the Windows SDK.


time_t osBinaryTime;  // C run-time time (defined in <time.h>)
time(&osBinaryTime) ;  // Get the current time from the 
                         // operating system.
CTime time1; // Empty CTime. (0 is illegal time value.)
CTime time2 = time1; // Copy constructor.
CTime time3(osBinaryTime);  // CTime from C run-time time
CTime time4(1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0); // 10:15PM March 19, 1999   


Header: atltime.h

See Also


CTime Class

Hierarchy Chart



CTime::operator =

Other Resources

CTime Members