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How to Print a Help Topic

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

You can print a single topic or a section of topics.

  • In the document window, display the topic you want to print. Right-click the topic, and then click Print.

  • To print all topics within a section or subsection, on the Contents tab, select the section or subsection topic. Right-click the topic, and then click Print Topic and Subtopics.


    If you print a section with multiple topics that contain multiple illustrations, the illustrations will not print.


    Printing code samples and large illustrations could cause incomplete printing. If a line of code is very long or an illustration is very large, the right edge of the code or illustration might extend beyond the margin boundary and will not print.

See Also

Other Resources

How to Bookmark a Help Topic

How to Search for a Help Topic

How to Copy a Help Topic or Code Example

How to Use Language Filtering

Help Viewer Keyboard Shortcuts