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Membership and Role Provider

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The Membership and Role Provider sample demonstrates how a service can use the ASP.NET membership and role providers to authenticate and authorize clients.

In this sample, the client is a console application (.exe) and the service is hosted by Internet Information Services (IIS).


The WCF samples may already be installed on your machine. Check this (default) directory before continuing: <InstallDrive>:\Samples\WCFWFCardspaceIf this directory doesn’t exist, click the download sample link at the top of this page. Note that this will download and install all of the WF, WCF, and CardSpace samples, you will only have to do this once. The sample is located in the following directory <InstallDrive>:\Samples\WCFWFCardSpace\WCF\Basic\Service\Behaviors\Security\MembershipAndRoleProvider.


The setup procedure and build instructions for this sample are located at the end of this topic.

The sample demonstrates how:

  • A client can authenticate using username-password combination.

  • The server can validate the client credentials against the ASP.NET membership provider.

  • The server can be authenticated using the server's X.509 certificate.

  • The server can map the authenticated client to a role using the ASP.NET role provider.

  • The server can use the PrincipalPermissionAttribute to control access to certain methods that are exposed by the service.

The membership and role providers are configured to use a store backed by SQL. A connection string and various options are specified in the service configuration file. The membership provider is given the name SqlMembershipProvider while the Role Provider is given the name SqlRoleProvider.

<!-- Set the connection string for SQL Server -->
  <add name="SqlConn" 
       connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;" />

  <!-- Configure the Sql Membership Provider -->
  <membership defaultProvider="SqlMembershipProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="15">
      <clear />
        passwordFormat="Hashed" />

  <!-- Configure the Sql Role Provider -->
  <roleManager enabled ="true" 
               defaultProvider ="SqlRoleProvider" >
      <add name ="SqlRoleProvider" 

The service exposes a single endpoint for communicating with the service, which is defined using the Web.config configuration file. The endpoint consists of an address, a binding, and a contract. The binding is configured with a standard wsHttpBinding, which defaults to using Windows authentication. This sample sets the standard wsHttpBinding to use username authentication. The behavior specifies that the server certificate is to be used for service authentication. The server certificate must contain the same value for the SubjectName as the findValue attribute in the serviceCertificate element of serviceCredentials configuration element. In addition the behavior specifies that authentication of username-password pairs is performed by the ASP.NET membership provider and role mapping is performed by the ASP.NET role provider by specifying the names defined for the two providers.

      <!-- use base address provided by host -->
      <endpoint address=""
                contract="Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.ICalculator" />
      <endpoint address="mex"
                contract="IMetadataExchange" />

      <!-- Set up a binding that uses Username as the client credential type -->
      <binding name="Binding1">
        <security mode ="Message">
          <message clientCredentialType ="UserName"/>

      <behavior name="CalculatorServiceBehavior">
        <!-- Configure role based authorization to use the Role Provider -->
        <serviceAuthorization principalPermissionMode ="UseAspNetRoles"
                              roleProviderName ="SqlRoleProvider" />
          <!-- Configure user name authentication to use the Membership Provider -->
          <userNameAuthentication userNamePasswordValidationMode ="MembershipProvider" 
                                  membershipProviderName ="SqlMembershipProvider"/>
          <!-- Configure the service certificate -->
          <serviceCertificate storeLocation ="LocalMachine" 
                              storeName ="My" 
                              x509FindType ="FindBySubjectName"
                              findValue ="localhost" />
        <!--For debugging purposes set the includeExceptionDetailInFaults attribute to true-->
        <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" />
        <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>

When you run the sample, the client calls the various service operations under three different user accounts; Alice, Bob and Charlie. The operation requests and responses are displayed in the client console window. All 4 calls made as user "Alice" should succeed. User "Bob" should get an access denied error when trying to call the Divide method. User "Charlie" should get an access denied error when trying to call the Multiply method. Press ENTER in the client window to shut down the client.

To set up, build, and run the sample

  1. To build the C# or Visual Basic .NET edition of the solution, follow the instructions in Running the Windows Communication Foundation Samples.

  2. Ensure you have configured the ASP.NET Application Services Database.


    If you are running SqlExpress, your server name is .\SQLEXPRESS. This server should be used when configuring the ASP.NET Application Services Database as well as in the Web.config connection string.


    The ASP.NET worker process account must have permissions on the database that is created in this step. Use the sqlcmd utility or SQL Server Management Studio to do this.

  3. To run the sample in a single- or cross-machine configuration, use the following follow instructions.

To run the sample on the same machine

  1. Make sure that the path includes the folder where Makecert.exe is located.

  2. Run Setup.bat from the sample install folder. This installs the service certificates required for running the sample.

  3. Launch Client.exe from \client\bin. Client activity is displayed on the client console application.

  4. If the client and service are not able to communicate, see Troubleshooting Tips for WCF Samples.

To run the sample across machines

  1. Create a directory on the service machine. Create a virtual application named servicemodelsamples for this directory using Internet Information Services (IIS) management tool.

  2. Copy the service program files from \inetpub\wwwroot\servicemodelsamples to the virtual directory on the service machine. Ensure that you copy the files in the \bin subdirectory. Also copy the Setup.bat, GetComputerName.vbs and Cleanup.bat files to the service machine.

  3. Create a directory on the client machine for the client binaries.

  4. Copy the client program files to the client directory on the client machine. Also copy the Setup.bat, Cleanup.bat, and ImportServiceCert.bat files to the client.

  5. On the server, run setup.bat service. Running setup.bat with the service argument creates a service certificate with the fully-qualified domain name of the machine and exports the service certificate to a file named Service.cer.

  6. Edit Web.config to reflect the new certificate name (in the findValue attribute in the serviceCertificate element of serviceCredentials), which is the same as the fully-qualified domain name of the machine**.**

  7. Copy the Service.cer file from the service directory to the client directory on the client machine.

  8. In the Client.exe.config file on the client machine, change the address value of the endpoint to match the new address of your service.

  9. On the client, run ImportServiceCert.bat. This imports the service certificate from the Service.cer file into the CurrentUser - TrustedPeople store.

  10. On the client machine, launch Client.exe from a command prompt. If the client and service are not able to communicate, see Troubleshooting Tips for WCF Samples.

To clean up after the sample

  1. Run Cleanup.bat in the samples folder once you have finished running the sample.


This script does not remove service certificates on a client when running this sample across machines. If you have run Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) samples that use certificates across machines, be sure to clear the service certificates that have been installed in the CurrentUser - TrustedPeople store. To do this, use the following command: certmgr -del -r CurrentUser -s TrustedPeople -c -n <Fully Qualified Server Machine Name> For example: certmgr -del -r CurrentUser -s TrustedPeople -c -n server1.contoso.com.

The Setup Batch File

The Setup.bat batch file included with this sample allows you to configure the server with relevant certificates to run a self-hosted application that requires server certificate-based security. This batch file must be modified to work across machines or to work in a non-hosted case.

The following provides a brief overview of the different sections of the batch files so that they can be modified to run in appropriate configuration.

  • Creating the server certificate.

    The following lines from the Setup.bat batch file create the server certificate to be used. The %SERVER_NAME% variable specifies the server name. Change this variable to specify your own server name. This batch file defaults it to localhost.

    The certificate is stored in My (Personal) store under the LocalMachine store location.

    echo ************
    echo Server cert setup starting
    echo %SERVER_NAME%
    echo ************
    echo making server cert
    echo ************
    makecert.exe -sr LocalMachine -ss MY -a sha1 -n CN=%SERVER_NAME% -sky exchange -pe
  • Installing Server certificate into client's trusted certificate store.

    The following lines in the Setup.bat batch file copy the server certificate into the client trusted people store. This step is required because certificates generated by Makecert.exe are not implicitly trusted by the client system. If you already have a certificate that is rooted in a client trusted root certificate—for example, a Microsoft issued certificate—this step of populating the client certificate store with the server certificate is not required.

    certmgr.exe -add -r LocalMachine -s My -c -n %SERVER_NAME% -r CurrentUser -s TrustedPeople

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