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Strokes - класс

Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007

Contains the collection of Stroke objects.

Пространство имен:  Microsoft.Ink
Сборка:  Microsoft.Ink (в Microsoft.Ink.dll)


<PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name := "FullTrust")> _
Public Class Strokes _
    Implements ICollection, IEnumerable, IDisposable
Dim instance As Strokes
[PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name = "FullTrust")]
public class Strokes : ICollection, IEnumerable, 
[PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction::InheritanceDemand, Name = L"FullTrust")]
public ref class Strokes : ICollection, 
    IEnumerable, IDisposable
/** @attribute PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name = "FullTrust") */
public class Strokes implements ICollection, 
    IEnumerable, IDisposable
public class Strokes implements ICollection, IEnumerable, IDisposable


A Strokes collection is a subset of strokes in an Ink object. Examples of Strokes collections are:

  • All strokes drawn by the same cursor.

  • Strokes in the Ink object corresponding to a word.

  • All strokes that intersect a known region.

Strokes collections are references to ink data and are not the actual data itself.

You can create a new Strokes collection by calling the InkCreateStrokes() method, or by using the Add() method of the InkCustomStrokes() property. The Strokes class does not have a publicly accessible constructor.


To avoid a memory leak, you must explicitly call the Dispose method on any Strokes collection to which an event handler has been attached before the collection goes out of scope.

After the Strokes collection is created, it can be used to specify various operations on that subset of strokes, such as drawing, measuring, deleting, or extracting the set to a new Ink object.

Иерархия наследования



Любые открытые члены этого типа, объявленные как static (Shared в Visual Basic), являются потокобезопасными. Потокобезопасность членов экземпляров не гарантируется.


Windows Vista

Среды .NET Framework и .NET Compact Framework поддерживают не все версии каждой платформы. Поддерживаемые версии перечислены в разделе Требования к системе для .NET Framework.

Сведения о версии

.NET Framework

Поддерживается в версии: 3.0

См. также


Strokes - члены

Microsoft.Ink - пространство имен


