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InkAnalyzer.ContextNodeLinkDeleting - событие

Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007

Occurs before the InkAnalyzer deletes a ContextLink between two ContextNode objects.

Пространство имен:  Microsoft.Ink
Сборка:  Microsoft.Ink.Analysis (в Microsoft.Ink.Analysis.dll)


Public Event ContextNodeLinkDeleting As ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventHandler
Dim instance As InkAnalyzer
Dim handler As ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventHandler

AddHandler instance.ContextNodeLinkDeleting, handler
public event ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventHandler ContextNodeLinkDeleting
 event ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventHandler^ ContextNodeLinkDeleting {
    void add (ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventHandler^ value);
    void remove (ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventHandler^ value);
/** @event */
public void add_ContextNodeLinkDeleting (ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventHandler value)
/** @event */
public void remove_ContextNodeLinkDeleting (ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventHandler value)
JScript не поддерживает события.


Use this event when your application maintains its own data structure, which is synchronized with that of the InkAnalyzer. This event occurs during the reconcile phase of ink analysis, or in response to an InkAnalyzer method that removes a ContextLink from a ContextNode.

For more information about synchronizing your application data with the InkAnalyzer, see Data Proxy with Ink Analysis.


This example defines a method, AttachDataProxyEventHandlers, that attaches data proxy event handlers to an InkAnalyzer, theInkAnalyzer.

Private Sub AttachDataProxyEventHandlers() 
    ' If the document model supports on demand data proxy, then add an
    ' event handler for the PopulateContextNode event. This event is raised
    ' when the InkAnalyzer accesses a partially populated ContextNode created
    ' by the document model.
    If Me.theDocumentModel.SupportsOnDemandDataProxy Then
        AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.PopulateContextNode, AddressOf Me.PopulateContextNode
    End If

    ' Add the other data proxy related event handlers. These events are raised
    ' by the InkAnalyzer to communicate ink analysis results to the document model.
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeCreated, AddressOf Me.AddContextNode
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeDeleting, AddressOf Me.RemoveContextNode
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeLinkAdding, AddressOf Me.AddContextNodeLink
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeLinkDeleting, AddressOf Me.RemoveContextNodeLink
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeMovingToPosition, AddressOf Me.MoveContextNodeToPosition
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodePropertiesUpdated, AddressOf Me.UpdateContextNodeProperties
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeReparenting, AddressOf Me.ReparentContextNode
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.InkAnalyzerStateChanging, AddressOf Me.InkAnalyzer_StateChanging
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.StrokesReparented, AddressOf Me.ReparentStroke
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.IntermediateResultsUpdated, AddressOf Me.ResultsAvailable
    AddHandler Me.theInkAnalyzer.ResultsUpdated, AddressOf Me.ResultsAvailable

End Sub 'AttachDataProxyEventHandlers
        private void AttachDataProxyEventHandlers()
            // If the document model supports on demand data proxy, then add an
            // event handler for the PopulateContextNode event. This event is raised
            // when the InkAnalyzer accesses a partially populated ContextNode created
            // by the document model.
            if (this.theDocumentModel.SupportsOnDemandDataProxy)
                this.theInkAnalyzer.PopulateContextNode +=
                    new Microsoft.Ink.PopulateContextNodeEventHandler(

            // Add the other data proxy related event handlers. These events are raised
            // by the InkAnalyzer to communicate ink analysis results to the document model.
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeCreated +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeCreatedEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeDeleting +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeDeletingEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeLinkAdding +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeLinkAddingEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeLinkDeleting +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeMovingToPosition +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeMovingToPositionEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodePropertiesUpdated +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodePropertiesUpdatedEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ContextNodeReparenting +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeReparentingEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.InkAnalyzerStateChanging +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.InkAnalyzerStateChangingEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.StrokesReparented +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.StrokesReparentedEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.IntermediateResultsUpdated +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ResultsUpdatedEventHandler(
            this.theInkAnalyzer.ResultsUpdated +=
                new Microsoft.Ink.ResultsUpdatedEventHandler(

The following example defines the method, RemoveContextNodeLink, that handles the ContextNodeLinkDeleting event. The event information is passed to the document model object, theDocumentModel.

This example does not provide the definition of the document model or demonstrate how it processes the information passed to it.

'/ <summary>
'/ Handles the InkAnalyzer.ContextNodeLinkDeleting event.
'/ </summary>
'/ <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
'/ <param name="e">The event data.</param>
Private Sub RemoveContextNodeLink( _
    ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventArgs)


End Sub 'RemoveContextNodeLink

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the InkAnalyzer.ContextNodeLinkDeleting event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event data.</param>
        private void RemoveContextNodeLink(
            object sender, Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventArgs e)


Windows Vista

Среды .NET Framework и .NET Compact Framework поддерживают не все версии каждой платформы. Поддерживаемые версии перечислены в разделе Требования к системе для .NET Framework.

Сведения о версии

.NET Framework

Поддерживается в версии: 3.0

См. также


InkAnalyzer Класс

InkAnalyzer - члены

Microsoft.Ink - пространство имен

