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PenInputPanel.Dispose - метод

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Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007

Deprecated. Releases resources used by the PenInputPanel object. PenInputPanel has been replaced by Microsoft.Ink.TextInput.

Список перегрузки

  Имя Описание
ms571343.pubmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Dispose() Deprecated. Releases all resources used by the PenInputPanel object. PenInputPanel has been replaced by Microsoft.Ink.TextInput.
ms571343.protmethod(ru-ru,VS.90).gif Dispose(Boolean) Deprecated. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the PenInputPanel object and optionally releases the managed resources. PenInputPanel has been replaced by Microsoft.Ink.TextInput.

В начало страницы


Overload List

  • Dispose

  • Dispose

См. также


PenInputPanel Класс

PenInputPanel - члены

Microsoft.Ink - пространство имен
