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UnclassifiedInkNode - класс

Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007

Represents a ContextNode for a collection of strokes that have not yet been classified.

Пространство имен:  Microsoft.Ink
Сборка:  Microsoft.Ink.Analysis (в Microsoft.Ink.Analysis.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class UnclassifiedInkNode _
    Inherits ContextNode
Dim instance As UnclassifiedInkNode
public sealed class UnclassifiedInkNode : ContextNode
public ref class UnclassifiedInkNode sealed : public ContextNode
public final class UnclassifiedInkNode extends ContextNode
public final class UnclassifiedInkNode extends ContextNode


Any stroke that is added to the InkAnalyzer by using the InkAnalyzer.AddStroke or InkAnalyzer.AddStrokes method is automatically associated with an UnclassifiedInkNode object.

If InkAnalyzer.AddStroke or InkAnalyzer.AddStrokes is used to add the strokes, then one UnclassifiedInkNode object for each language identifier appears under the RootNode.

After InkAnalyzer.Analyze is called, the UnclassifiedInkNode is removed from the tree. If InkAnalyzer.BackgroundAnalyze is called, then after ink analysis is finished, all UnclassifiedInkNode objects that existed at the time BackgroundAnalyze was called will be removed. The only strokes that would not be removed are new strokes that have been added to the UnclassifiedInkNode and have not yet been analyzed.

An UnclassifiedInkNode cannot have any children.


In the following example, before ink analysis is performed by an InkAnalyzer, theInkAnalyzer, the culture identifier of all unanalyzed strokes is set to languageId, an integer. This will force all these strokes to be analyzed with that language. This is accomplished by finding all the UnclassifiedInkNode objects in the context tree and setting the language identifiers of their strokes.

' Set all unanalyzed strokes to have the language specified by languageId
Dim unclassifiedNodes As ContextNodeCollection = _
Dim unclassifiedNode As UnclassifiedInkNode
For Each unclassifiedNode In unclassifiedNodes
    ' Set the strokes' language identifier
    theInkAnalyzer.SetStrokesLanguageId(unclassifiedNode.Strokes, languageId)

' Perform ink analysis...

// Set all unanalyzed strokes to have the language specified by languageId
ContextNodeCollection unclassifiedNodes =
foreach (UnclassifiedInkNode unclassifiedNode in unclassifiedNodes)
    // Set the strokes' language identifier
    theInkAnalyzer.SetStrokesLanguageId(unclassifiedNode.Strokes, languageId);

// Perform ink analysis...

Иерархия наследования



Любые открытые члены этого типа, объявленные как static (Shared в Visual Basic), являются потокобезопасными. Потокобезопасность членов экземпляров не гарантируется.


Windows Vista

Среды .NET Framework и .NET Compact Framework поддерживают не все версии каждой платформы. Поддерживаемые версии перечислены в разделе Требования к системе для .NET Framework.

Сведения о версии

.NET Framework

Поддерживается в версии: 3.0

См. также


UnclassifiedInkNode - члены

Microsoft.Ink - пространство имен

