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ContextNode.Type - свойство

Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007

Gets the context node type for this ContextNode object.

Пространство имен:  Microsoft.Ink
Сборка:  Microsoft.Ink.Analysis (в Microsoft.Ink.Analysis.dll)


Public ReadOnly Property Type As Guid
Dim instance As ContextNode
Dim value As Guid

value = instance.Type
public Guid Type { get; }
property Guid Type {
    Guid get ();
/** @property */
public Guid get_Type()
public function get Type () : Guid

Значение свойства

Тип: System.Guid
The context node type for this ContextNode object.


See the ContextNodeType class for the type GUID values.


The following example shows how to use the Type property of a ContextNode object, selectedNode. The text of a TextBox, selectedResultsTextBox, is filled differently depending on the type of node. In most cases, the recognized string is used, but for InkWord, the line's recognized string is used, and the word is selected in the TextBox.

Select Case selectedNode.Type
    Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.WritingRegion
        Dim writingRegion As WritingRegionNode = _
            CType(selectedNode, WritingRegionNode)
        selectedResultsTextBox.Text = writingRegion.GetRecognizedString()
    Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Paragraph
        Dim paragraph As ParagraphNode = _
            CType(selectedNode, ParagraphNode)
        selectedResultsTextBox.Text = paragraph.GetRecognizedString()
    Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Line
        Dim line As LineNode = _
            CType(selectedNode, LineNode)
        selectedResultsTextBox.Text = line.GetRecognizedString()
    Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkWord
        Dim inkWord As InkWordNode = _
            CType(selectedNode, InkWordNode)
        Dim parentNode As ContextNode = inkWord.ParentNode
        If TypeOf parentNode Is LineNode Then
            Dim parentLine As LineNode = CType(parentNode, LineNode)
            ' Put parent line's recognized string into the text box
            selectedResultsTextBox.Text = parentLine.GetRecognizedString()

            ' Select the text that corresponds to the ink word
            Dim subNodes As New ContextNodeCollection(theInkAnalyzer)
            Dim start As Integer
            Dim length As Integer
            parentLine.GetTextRangeFromNodes(subNodes, start, length)
            If start >= 0 AndAlso length > 0 Then
                selectedResultsTextBox.Select(start, length)
            End If
        End If
        ' Show the time stamp
        If inkWord.ContainsPropertyData(Me.timeStampGuid) Then
            Dim timeStamp As DateTime = _
                CType(inkWord.GetPropertyData(Me.timeStampGuid), DateTime)
            timeStampLabel.Text = timeStamp.ToShortTimeString()
        End If

        ' Snippet to demonstrate GetPropertyDataIds
        Dim propertyDataIds() As Guid = inkWord.GetPropertyDataIds()

        ' Snippets to demonstrate loading and saving
        Dim data As Byte() = inkWord.SavePropertiesData()
        If (Not inkWord.LoadPropertiesData(data)) Then
            MessageBox.Show("Cannot load property data")
        End If
    Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkDrawing
        Dim drawingNode As InkDrawingNode = CType(selectedNode, InkDrawingNode)
        selectedResultsTextBox.Text = drawingNode.GetShapeName()
    Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkBullet
        Dim bulletNode As InkBulletNode = CType(selectedNode, InkBulletNode)
        selectedResultsTextBox.Text = bulletNode.GetRecognizedString()
    Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Object
        Dim selectedObject As ObjectNode = selectedNode
        selectedResultsTextBox.Text = selectedObject.GetRecognizedString()
    Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.CustomRecognizer
        Dim customRecognizer As CustomRecognizerNode = selectedNode
        selectedResultsTextBox.Text = customRecognizer.GetRecognizedString()
    Case Else
        selectedResultsTextBox.Text = String.Empty
End Select
                if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.WritingRegion)
                    WritingRegionNode writingRegion = (WritingRegionNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = writingRegion.GetRecognizedString();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Paragraph)
                    ParagraphNode paragraph = (ParagraphNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = paragraph.GetRecognizedString();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Line)
                    LineNode line = (LineNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = line.GetRecognizedString();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkWord)
                    InkWordNode inkWord = (InkWordNode)selectedNode;
                    ContextNode parentNode = inkWord.ParentNode;
                    if (parentNode is LineNode)
                        LineNode parentLine = (LineNode)parentNode;
                        // Put parent line's recognized string into the text box
                        selectedResultsTextBox.Text = parentLine.GetRecognizedString();

                        // Select the text that corresponds to the ink word
                        ContextNodeCollection subNodes = new ContextNodeCollection(theInkAnalyzer);
                        int start = 0;
                        int length = 0;
                        parentLine.GetTextRangeFromNodes(subNodes, out start, out length);
                        if (start >= 0 && length > 0)
                            selectedResultsTextBox.Select(start, length);
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkDrawing)
                    InkDrawingNode drawingNode = (InkDrawingNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = drawingNode.GetShapeName();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkBullet)
                    InkBulletNode bulletNode = (InkBulletNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = bulletNode.GetRecognizedString();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.CustomRecognizer)
                    CustomRecognizerNode customRecognizer = (CustomRecognizerNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = customRecognizer.GetRecognizedString();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Object)
                    ObjectNode selectedObject = (ObjectNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = selectedObject.GetRecognizedString();
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = String.Empty;


Windows Vista

Среды .NET Framework и .NET Compact Framework поддерживают не все версии каждой платформы. Поддерживаемые версии перечислены в разделе Требования к системе для .NET Framework.

Сведения о версии

.NET Framework

Поддерживается в версии: 3.0

См. также


ContextNode Класс

ContextNode - члены

Microsoft.Ink - пространство имен

