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MetadataWorkspaceExtensions.ScalarInComplexPropertyVisitorDelegate - делегат

The delegate type that the VisitComplexProperty method uses to allow user-defined control over how scalar properties of a complex type property in the conceptual model are named in the generated storage model.

Пространство имен: Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.DatabaseGeneration
Сборка: Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.DatabaseGeneration (в microsoft.data.entity.design.databasegeneration.dll)



Public Delegate Sub ScalarInComplexPropertyVisitorDelegate ( _
    namePrefix As String, _
    property As EdmProperty _
public delegate void ScalarInComplexPropertyVisitorDelegate (
    string namePrefix,
    EdmProperty property
public delegate void ScalarInComplexPropertyVisitorDelegate (
    String^ namePrefix, 
    EdmProperty^ property
/** @delegate */
public delegate void ScalarInComplexPropertyVisitorDelegate (
    String namePrefix, 
    EdmProperty property


  • namePrefix
    The name of the nested CSDL property in a format which concatenates all parent CSDL properties.
  • property
    The nested CSDL Property currently being visited within the complex type of this complex property.


Платформы разработки

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 , Windows Server 2008 и Windows 2000

Целевые платформы

См. также


Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.DatabaseGeneration - пространство имен

Другие ресурсы

Windows Workflow Foundation