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KnownTypesResolver.TryResolveType Method (Type, Type, DataContractResolver, XmlDictionaryString, XmlDictionaryString)


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2015

Maps any type to a new xsi:type representation.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk
Assembly:  Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk (in Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll)


public override bool TryResolveType(
    Type type,
    Type declaredType,
    DataContractResolver knownTypeResolver,
    out XmlDictionaryString typeName,
    out XmlDictionaryString typeNamespace
virtual bool TryResolveType(
    Type^ type,
    Type^ declaredType,
    DataContractResolver^ knownTypeResolver,
    [OutAttribute] XmlDictionaryString^% typeName,
    [OutAttribute] XmlDictionaryString^% typeNamespace
) override
override TryResolveType : 
        type:Type *
        declaredType:Type *
        knownTypeResolver:DataContractResolver *
        typeName:XmlDictionaryString byref *
        typeNamespace:XmlDictionaryString byref -> bool
Public Overrides Function TryResolveType (
    type As Type,
    declaredType As Type,
    knownTypeResolver As DataContractResolver,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef typeName As XmlDictionaryString,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef typeNamespace As XmlDictionaryString
) As Boolean


  • declaredType
    Type: System.Type

    Type. The type declared in the data contract.

Return Value

Type: System.Boolean

Type: Boolean
true if mapping succeeded; otherwise, false.


For information on this method, refer to the DataContractResolver class.

See Also

KnownTypesResolver Class
Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk Namespace

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