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MARKEDONLY Function (Record)

Activates a special filter. After you use this function, your view of the table includes only records marked by this function.


[IsMarkedOnly :=] Record.MARKEDONLY([SetMarkedOnly])  


Type: Record

A record from the table that you want mark.

Type: Boolean

Changes the state of the special filter. This parameter is optional.

If this parameter if true, only marked records are included. If this parameter is false, all records are included.

Property Value/Return Value

Type: Boolean

true if the special filter is being used; otherwise, false.


This example shows how to use MARK and MARKEDONLY. Assume that at first no records are marked.

This example requires that you create the following variables and text constants in the C/AL Globals window.

Variable name DataType Subtype
CustomerRec Record Customer
No1 Integer Not applicable
No2 Integer Not applicable
Text constant ENU value
Text000 Number of records before MARKEDONLY: %1.\
Text001 Number of records after MARKEDONLY: %2.
CustomerRec."No." := '10000';  
CustomerRec.MARK(TRUE); // Mark a record.  
No1 := CustomerRec.COUNT;  
No2 := CustomerRec.COUNT;  
MESSAGE(Text000 + Text001, No1, No2);  

The following messages could be displayed:

Number of records before MARKEDONLY: 68.

Number of records after MARKEDONLY: 1.

See Also

MARK Function (Record)
Record Data Type