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PrintOnlyIfDetail Property

Specifies whether to print data in a report for the parent data item when the child data item does not generate any output.

Applies To

Data items

Property Value

Yes if you want print only if the child data item generates output; otherwise, No. The default is No.


This property has no effect on a data item that does not have any child data items. If this property is No and there is no record in the child data item that corresponds to the current record in the parent data item, then the report prints data from the current record in the parent data item, even though there is no data for the child data item. If this property is Yes and there is no record in the child data item that corresponds to the current record in the parent data item, then the report does not print data from the current record in the parent data item.

If there are more than two data items, then the report iterates through each parent-child relationship in the same way.

Another way to achieve the result of not printing blank lines is to add a filter on the table. For more information, see SETFILTER Function (Record).

In previous versions of Dynamics NAV reports, you could control whether data items without data were printed with the use of body sections in Section Designer. After you upgrade reports in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018, verify whether you need to use filters or the PrintOnlyIfDetail property to achieve the same resulting report.


In this example, you create a report to print data from the Sales Header and Sales Line tables. The parent data item is Sales Header. For each record in the Sales Header table, the report iterates through records in the Sales Line table.

The Sales Header table contains the following data.

Document Type Sell-to Customer No. No.
Order 38128456 101009
Order 43687129 101011
Order 46897889 101013
Order 46897889 101015
Order 10000 101016

The Sales Line table contains the following data.

Document Type Document No. Line No.
Order 101009 10000
Order 101009 20000
Order 101013 10000

In this example, you set the DataItemLink Property (Reports) to "Document Type=FIELD(Document Type),Document No.=FIELD(No.)". If you set PrintOnlyIfDetail to Yes, then the report outputs the following data.

Document Type Customer No. Document No. Line No.
Order 38128456 101009 10000
Order 38128456 101009 20000
Order 46897889 101013 10000

If you set PrintOnlyIfDetail to No, then the report outputs the following data.

Document Type Customer No. Document No. Line No.
Order 38128456 101009 10000
Order 38128456 101009 20000
Order 43687129 101011
Order 46897889 101013 10000
Order 46897889 101015
Order 10000 101016

See Also