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IConfiguration.Fields Property

Fields Property

The Fields property returns the Fields object that contains the currently defined configuration settings.


Property Fields as ADODB.Fields
HRESULT get_Fields(Fields** pFields);


  • pFields
    If the method succeeds, on return, the passed address holds a reference to the requested interface.


The Microsoft® Active X® Data Objects (ADO) Fields object is a collection of ADO Field objects containing name/value pairs that define a configuration. The name is always a string, and the value is a VARIANT, the subtype of which depends upon the type of property.

The IConfiguration interface is normally exposed by instances of the Configuration Component Object Model (COM) class. The list of fields available for instances of the Configuration COM class can be found in the https://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/ namespace.

The Fields property is the default property for the interface.

See Also

