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Window.Activate - метод

Перемещение фокуса на текущий элемент.

Пространство имен:  EnvDTE
Сборка:  EnvDTE (в EnvDTE.dll)


Sub Activate
void Activate()
void Activate()
abstract Activate : unit -> unit 
function Activate()


Вызов Activate аналогичен нажатию кнопки мыши на элементе за тем исключением, что сам щелчок не выполняется.


Public Sub CodeExample(ByVal dte As DTE2, ByVal addin As AddIn) 
        ' Before running, create a text file named 
        ' "TextFile1.txt", include it in your solution,
        ' and make it the active window.
        Dim win As Window
        Dim doc As Document
        If dte.Documents.Count > 0 Then
            doc = dte.Documents.Item("TextFile1.txt")
            win = doc.ActiveWindow
            ' Show the name of the project that contains this window and document.
            win.Activate() ' Activate the window
            ' Show the name of the current ProjectItem in the window.
            ' How many other windows are available?
            Dim w As String = "Windows:" + vbCrLf
            Dim wi As Window
            For Each wi In  win.Collection
                w = w + wi.Caption + vbCrLf
            Next wi
            ' Show the selected text.
            MessageBox.Show(CType(win.Selection, TextSelection).Text + " is selected.")
            ' Determine that the document returned by the document 
            ' property is the same as the document object 'doc'.
            If win.Document Is doc Then
                MessageBox.Show("The documents match!")
                MessageBox.Show("The documents do not match!")
            End If 
            ' Close the window
        End If
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub
public void CodeExample(DTE2 dte, AddIn addin)
    {   // Before running, create a text file named 
        // "TextFile1.txt", include it in your solution,
        // and make it the active window.
        Window win;
        Document doc;
        if (dte.Documents.Count > 0)
            doc = dte.Documents.Item("TextFile1.txt");
            win = doc.ActiveWindow;
            // Show the name of the project that contains this window and document.
            win.Activate(); // Activate the window
            // Show the name of the current ProjectItem in the window.
            // How many other windows are available?
            string w = "Windows:\n";
            foreach (Window wi in win.Collection)
                w = w + wi.Caption + "\n";
            // Show the selected text.
            MessageBox.Show(((TextSelection)win.Selection).Text + " is selected.");
            // Determine that the document returned by the document 
            // property is the same as the document object 'doc'.
            if (win.Document.Equals(doc))
                MessageBox.Show("The documents match!");
            else MessageBox.Show("The documents do not match!");
            // Close the window.
    catch(Exception ex)

Безопасность платформы .NET Framework

См. также


Window Интерфейс

EnvDTE - пространство имен

Другие ресурсы

Практическое руководство. Компиляция и выполнение примеров кода модели объектов автоматизации