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-ms-content-zooming property

Specifies whether zooming is enabled.

This property is read/write.

Internet Explorer 10



-ms-content-zooming: none | zoom

Property values

One of the following values.

  • none
    Initial value (all elements except top-level). The element is not zoomable.

  • zoom
    Initial value (top-level element only). The element is zoomable.

CSS information

Applies To non-replaced block-level elements and non-replaced inline-block elements
Media interactive
Inherited no
Initial Value zoom for the top level element, none for all other elements


This property has no effect unless overflow is permitted on both the x- and y-axes.

By default, zoom-enabled elements can be zoomed by the user via pinch-zoom. The top-level element can also be zoomed via double-tap when it is zoom-enabled. For information about controlling the touch inputs that result in a zoom, see -ms-touch-action.

Starting with Windows 8.1, this property is also supported for touchpad interaction.

This property requires Windows 8 or later.

See also


Windows apps using JavaScript Samples: HTML scrolling, panning and zooming sample


Internet Explorer Samples: Scrolling, panning, and zooming with touch input
