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How to: Run Work Item Queries

You run a work item query to search for the work items in your team project that match the query criteria. If you make changes to work items that might change the results, you can rerun the query to update your query results.

Required Permissions

To perform this procedure, you must be a member of the Readers group or have the View work items in this node permission set to Allow. For more information, see Team Foundation Server Permissions.

To run work item queries

  1. Open an existing team project.

  2. In Team Explorer, under Work Items, add a new work item query, or open an existing query from Team Queries or My Queries. For more information on adding a new work item query, see How to: Add New Work Item Queries.

  3. On the Work Item Tracking - Results View toolbar, click Run Run Query icon.

    The query results are displayed in the Query Results list.

    Note   You can control how the query results are displayed by adding any field in the team project and sorting on one or more fields. For more information, see How to: Add, Remove, and Sort Columns in Query Results.

See Also


How to: Add New Work Item Queries
How to: Edit Work Item Queries
How to: Add, Remove, and Sort Columns in Query Results


Querying for Work Items