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Understanding the Team Foundation Build Browser

Team Build Browser provides a listing of builds that have completed or are in progress and provides summary status information listed in the following table. Before a build type is listed in the Team Build Browser, the build type must be created and run. For more information, see How to: Create a New Build Type and Running Builds in Team Foundation Build.

The Team Build Browser is opened when the All Build Types node, or any build type node is clicked in the Team Builds folder in Team Explorer. For more information, see How to: View Build Summary Status.

You can set the build quality state for a build in the Team Build Browser. For more information, see How to: Set Build Quality and How to: Create Build Quality States.


The status information is generated in a table format and the columns can be sorted to help in searching through the data.


The Team Build Browser includes a filter located in the toolbar upon which you can filter builds conducted in a specified time frame including Today, Yesterday Only, This Week, Last Week, Last 4 weeks.


The Team Build Browser performs automatic updates; however, the Team Build Browser lets you update the build summary using the Refresh button on the toolbar.


You can run the build by clicking the Build icon on the toolbar.

The following table describes summary report items that are included for all builds.

Team Foundation Build Browser Summary Report Item Description

Build Name

Displays the build number with an icon that displays success or failed status. Double-clicking anywhere on the row opens the detailed build report for this build.

Build Quality

Indicates the current build quality state. Build quality can be edited. For more information, see How to: Set Build Quality and How to: Create Build Quality States.

Completed On

Displays either as blank if the build is in progress or the date and time the build completed. By default, the report is sorted on this item.

Build Status

Displays an updated status as the build proceeds. The values of the build status include:

  • Build Initializing

  • Getting Sources

  • Compilation Started

  • Compilation Completed

  • Testing Started

  • Testing Completed

  • Successfully Completed

  • Failed

  • Stopped

Double-click the build names listed in the build summary to launch individual detailed build reports. For more information, see How to: View a Build Report.

In This Section


Team Foundation Build Reference

  • Team Foundation Build Walkthroughs
    This section includes walkthroughs which demonstrate how to create and modify build types and how to exploit a report containing results of a build.

See Also


Overview of Team Foundation Build

Other Resources

Working with Team Foundation Build Reports