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The following table summarizes the OLE DB 2.5 properties in the DBPROPSET_ROWSET property set that are supported by the current version of the Microsoft® OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing.

OLE DB Property ID Description
DBPROP_BOOKMARKS This read-only property indicates whether the rowset supports bookmarks.

The OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing returns a value of VARIANT_FALSE for this VT_BOOL type property indicating that this rowset does not support bookmarks.

DBPROP_CANFETCHBACKWARDS This read-only property indicates whether the rowset can fetch backwards.

The OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing returns a value of VARIANT_FALSE for this VT_BOOL type property indicating that this rowset does not support fetching backwards.

DBPROP_CANHOLDROWS This read-only property indicates whether the rowset allows the OLE DB client to retrieve more rows or change the next fetch position while holding previously fetched rows with pending changes.

The OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing returns a value of VARIANT_TRUE for this VT_BOOL type property indicating that this rowset can fetch additional rows, insert new rows, or change the next fetch position.

DBPROP_COMMANDTIMEOUT The number of seconds before a command times out. A value of 0 indicates an infinite timeout.

This VT_I4 type property has a default value of 0.

DBPROP_UPDATABILITY A read-only bit mask specifying the supported methods on IRowsetChange.

The OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing returns a value of this VT_I4 type property with the following bits set: DBPROPVAL_UP_CHANGE—SetData is supported.

DBPROPVAL_UP_INSERT—InsertRow is supported.

DBPROPVAL_UP_DELETE—DeleteRows is supported.