The TimeSinceSignIn property indicates the amount of time, in seconds, since a Microsoft® .NET Passport user's manual sign-in to the .NET Passport Login server.
Property Manager.TimeSinceSignIn As Long
Property value
A Long value that indicates the time, in seconds, since a user's manual sign-in to the .NET Passport Login server.
For an example of this property, see Manager.TicketAge.
The TimeSinceSignIn property is read-only. A Ticket contains two timestamps: the time of the last refresh (whether silent or manual), and the time of the last manual sign-in. This property gives the difference between the last manual sign-in and the current time, in seconds.
Time-zone and clock-skew issues are automatically corrected by including the current time on any request to the Login server that generated the current Ticket. A Ticket is thus zero seconds old at the moment of its arrival.
Because run-time errors occur when using TimeSinceSignIn when a Ticket is not present in the calling domain, check HasTicket before using this property.
See Also