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LogSettings Class

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The LogSettings class contains members that get and set information about creating Windows event trace log (ETL) files.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code.


class LogSettings
????????boolean Enabled;
????????uint32 RolloverTime;
????????string Location;
????????boolean LogDetailedDataOnPlatformError;
????????boolean LogDetailedDataOnApplicationError;
????????boolean LogAnalyticsAndTuningData;
????????boolean LogOutputAudio;
????????uint32 PercentSessionsSampledWithFullAudio;
????????uint32 PercentSessionsSampledWithLimitedAudio;
????????uint32 HighUPLLogThreshold;
????????boolean AlwaysLogPlatformEvents;
????????boolean AlwaysLogApplicationEvents;
????????boolean DeveloperEventLogging;
????????boolean SendAllEventsToDebugger;
????????boolean AllowHeadlessErrorReporting;
????????uint32 FlushTraceLog();


The LogSettings class has the following method.


Completes logging to the current log file and starts logging to a new log file. This method has no return value.


The LogSettings class has the following properties.


Data type: boolean

Specifies whether event trace logging is enabled for Speech Server. Setting this property to true performs two actions: begins an event trace session immediately and again at every system startup.

When this property is set to false, all the properties in the LogSettings class except for DeveloperEventLogging, SendAllEventsToDebugger, and AllowHeadlessErrorReporting are ignored.

The default value of Enabled is true. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: uint32

Specifies the time interval, in minutes, at which the current trace log session begins capturing data to a new file. The value of this property can range from 0 to 1440 (the number of minutes in a day). A value of 0 indicates that the current log file captures session data indefinitely (in other words, never rollover), unless a new file is started manually with the FlushTraceLog method.

The default value of RolloverTime is 60. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: string

Specifies the location for the ETL files for Speech Server.

The default value of Location is the Logs subdirectory of the directory specified by the InstallDir property of the MSS class. For more information, see MSS Class. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.

The actual name of a newly created log file is derived from the date time stamp of the file at creation time.


Data type: boolean

Specifies whether to record all recent component activity to the trace log for troubleshooting purposes if a serious platform error occurs.

The default value of LogDetailedDataOnPlatformError is true. This property is not exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: boolean

Specifies whether to log additional detailed information when an error occurs during a call.

The default value of LogDetailedDataOnApplicationError is true. This property is not exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: boolean

Specifies whether to include data suitable for simple analysis and reporting in the logged data for sampled calls. This property also activates grammar logging, which provides data needed by Grammar Tuning Advisor and Re-recognizer in Analytics and Tuning Studio.

The default value of LogAnalyticsAndTuningData is false. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: uint32

Specifies whether to include the audio that the system plays to the user in the data logged for sampled calls.

The default value of LogOutputAudio is false. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: uint32

Specifies the percentage of calls to the computer running Speech Server for which the system logs all input and output audio.

The default value of PercentSessionsSampledWithFullAudio is 0. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: uint32

Specifies the percentage of calls to the computer running Speech Server for which the system only logs the input audio occurring while Recognizer listens.

The default value of PercentSessionsSampledWithLimitedAudio is 10. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: uint32

Specifies a number that represents the top percentage of the user perceived latency (UPL) range for which to capture detailed call data. For example, a value of 5 captures detailed data for calls where the UPL falls within the top 5 percent of the UPL range.

The default value of HighUPLLogThreshold is 5. This property is not exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: boolean

Specifies whether data should always be logged for platform events and not just when errors occur.

The default value of AlwaysLogPlatformEvents is false. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: uint32

Specifies whether data should always be logged for application events and not just when errors occur.

The default value of AlwaysLogApplicationEvents is false. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: boolean

Specifies whether developer events should be logged.

The default value of DeveloperEventLogging is false. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: boolean

Specifies whether to send events from processes attached to the debugger to the Visual Studio 2005 debugger. By default, the processes attached to the debugger are applications that you are debugging and process running the Telephony Application Host (TAH).

The default value of SendAllEventsToDebugger is false. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: boolean

Specifies whether error reports containing information about Speech Server failures are automatically sent to Microsoft without prompting for confirmation. This function depends on the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 error reporting feature. The Windows Server 2003 error reporting feature normally prompts the user to confirm transmission of error information to Microsoft. When this property is set to true, Windows Server 2003 sends the error report with specific information about Speech Server failures to Microsoft without prompting the user.

For this property to function correctly:

  • Error reporting must be enabled.
  • SpeechService.exe must be included in the programs on which the system reports errors.

For more information about setting up and configuring error reporting, see Windows Server 2003 Help.


All error reports are sent to Microsoft over encrypted channels using the HTTPS protocol. The information is stored with controlled access and is only used to improve Speech Server.

The default value of AllowHeadlessErrorReporting is false. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Only one instance of the LogSettings class exists for each computer.


Server: Requires Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Speech Server.

Namespace: Included in \root\mssv2.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Script Example

The following WMI script retrieves the instance of the LogSettings class on the local computer and displays the value of each property on the screen.

strComputer = "." 
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\MSSV2") 
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _
    "SELECT * FROM LogSettings",,48) 
For Each objItem in colItems 
    Wscript.Echo "-----------------------------------"
    Wscript.Echo "LogSettings instance"
    Wscript.Echo "-----------------------------------"
    Wscript.Echo "AllowHeadlessErrorReporting: " & objItem.AllowHeadlessErrorReporting
    Wscript.Echo "AlwaysLogApplicationEvents: " & objItem.AlwaysLogApplicationEvents
    Wscript.Echo "AlwaysLogPlatformEvents: " & objItem.AlwaysLogPlatformEvents
    Wscript.Echo "DeveloperEventLogging: " & objItem.DeveloperEventLogging
    Wscript.Echo "Enabled: " & objItem.Enabled
    Wscript.Echo "HighUPLLogThreshold: " & objItem.HighUPLLogThreshold
    Wscript.Echo "Location: " & objItem.Location
    Wscript.Echo "LogAnalyticsAndTuningData: " & objItem.LogAnalyticsAndTuningData
    Wscript.Echo "LogDetailedDataOnApplicationError: " & objItem.LogDetailedDataOnApplicationError
    Wscript.Echo "LogDetailedDataOnPlatformError: " & objItem.LogDetailedDataOnPlatformError
    Wscript.Echo "LogOutputAudio: " & objItem.LogOutputAudio
    Wscript.Echo "PercentSessionsSampledWithFullAudio: " & objItem.PercentSessionsSampledWithFullAudio
    Wscript.Echo "PercentSessionsSampledWithLimitedAudio: " & objItem.PercentSessionsSampledWithLimitedAudio
    Wscript.Echo "RolloverTime: " & objItem.RolloverTime
    Wscript.Echo "SendAllEventsToDebugger: " & objItem.SendAllEventsToDebugger

See Also

Other Resources

Speech Server Administration Through WMI
Logging Administration