Finding Information About Objects
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Information about objects is documented in various sections of the Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 MAPI Reference. Because almost all MAPI objects expose a single MAPI interface, the approach is to treat objects and the interfaces that they expose as synonymous.
You can find information about objects and interfaces in the following sections.
Describes the interfaces in the Outlook 2007 MAPI Reference. In this section you can, for example, locate information about how to implement and use a folder under its standard interface, IMAPIFolder.
MAPI Object and Interface Overview
Introduces the Component Object Model as it relates to MAPI, describes the MAPI object hierarchy and containment model, maps objects to interfaces, and describes implementation responsibilities.
Describes how objects manage and clients work with properties.
Describes in detail how to implement and use a table object, and discusses the composition and purpose of the different types of tables.
Describes the various objects for the implementation and use of forms.
Provides information about the following types of objects:
Status objects.
Profile and message service objects.
Developing a MAPI Client Application
Describes how to use objects to implement a MAPI client application.
Describes how to use support and progress objects and to implement a status object and display table.
Developing a MAPI Address Book Provider
Describes how to implement the address book logon and provider objects, address book containers, messaging users, distribution lists, and related tables.
Developing a MAPI Transport Provider
Describes how to implement the transport logon and provider objects, status object, Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) object, and folders.
Developing a MAPI Message Store Provider
Describes how to implement the message store logon and provider objects, message stores, folders, messages, attachments, recipients, and related tables.
Describes how to implement form objects.