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PidTagResourcePath Canonical Property

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Contains a path to the service provider's server.

Associated properties:




Data type:



MAPI status


The path contained in these properties represents the suggested path where the user can find resources. The definition of these properties is provider specific. For example, a scheduling application uses these properties to specify the suggested location for its scheduling application files.

The messaging user profile furnishes these properties as a convenience so that a client application does not have to prompt the messaging user for a network path or network drive letter.

MAPI works only with filenames in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) character set. Applications that use filenames in an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) character set must convert them to ANSI before calling MAPI.

Header Files

  • Mapidefs.h
    Provides data type definitions.

  • Mapitags.h
    Contains definitions of properties listed as alternate names.

See Also


MAPI Properties

MAPI Canonical Properties

Mapping Canonical Property Names to MAPI Names

Mapping MAPI Names to Canonical Property Names