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Retrieves a value that indicates whether the button control is enabled or disabled.

  ULONG ulFlags,
  ULONG FAR * lpulState


  • ulFlags
    [in] Reserved; must be zero.

  • lpulState
    [out] A pointer to a value that indicates the state of the button control. One of the following values can be returned:

      The button control is disabled and cannot be clicked.

      The button control is enabled and can be clicked.

Return Value

  • S_OK
    The state of the button control was successfully retrieved.


Service providers implement the IMAPIControl::GetState method to provide MAPI with the state of a button control. If the button is enabled, it can respond to a mouse click or key press. If it is disabled, the button appears dimmed and does not respond to a mouse click or key press.

For more information about how to implement GetState and the other IMAPIControl : IUnknown methods, see Control Object Implementation.

See Also



IMAPIControl : IUnknown