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Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio

Rebuilds the current expanded or collapsed state of a categorized table using data that was saved by a prior call to the IMAPITable::GetCollapseState method.

HRESULT SetCollapseState(
ULONG ulFlags,
ULONG cbCollapseState,
LPBYTE pbCollapseState,
BOOKMARK FAR * lpbkLocation


  • ulFlags
    Reserved; must be zero.

  • cbCollapseState
    [in] Count of bytes in the structure pointed to by the pbCollapseState parameter.

  • pbCollapseState
    [in] Pointer to the structures containing the data needed to rebuild the table view.

  • lpbkLocation
    [out] Pointer to a bookmark identifying the row in the table at which the collapsed or expanded state should be rebuilt. This bookmark and the instance key passed in the lpbInstanceKey parameter in the call to IMAPITable::GetCollapseState identify the same row.

Return Value

  • S_OK
    The state of the categorized table was successfully rebuilt.

    Another operation is in progress that prevents the operation from starting. Either the operation in progress should be allowed to complete or it should be stopped.

    The table could not finish rebuilding the collapsed or expanded view.


The IMAPITable::SetCollapseState method reestablishes the expanded or collapsed state of the table view. SetCollapseState and GetCollapseState work together as follows:

  1. When the state of a categorized table is about to change, IMAPITable::GetCollapseState is called to save all of the data pertaining to the state prior to the change.

  2. To restore the view of the table to its saved state, SetCollapseState is called. The data saved by GetCollapseState is passed to SetCollapseState. SetCollapseState is able to use that data to restore the state.

  3. SetCollapseState returns as an output parameter a bookmark that identifies the same row as the instance key passed as input to GetCollapseState.

For more information about categorized tables, see Sorting and Categorization.

Notes to Implementers

You are responsible for verifying that the sort order and restrictions are exactly the same as they were at the time of the GetCollapseState call. If a change has been made, SetCollapseState should not be called because the results can be unpredictable. This can happen if, for example, a client calls GetCollapseState and then SortTable to change the sort key before calling SetCollapseState. To be safe, check that the saved data is still valid before proceeding with the restoration.

Notes to Callers

To call SetCollapseState, you must have previously called GetCollapseState. The sort order establishing the categories should be the same for both methods. If the sort orders differ, the results of the SetCollapseState operation are unpredictable.

See Also





IMAPITable : IUnknown