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Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio

Separates the ASCII representation of the compound entry identifier of an object, usually a message in a message store, into the entry identifier of that object in the store and the store's entry identifier.

Header file:


Implemented by:


Called by:

Client applications

  LPSTR szMsgID,
  ULONG FAR * pcbStoreEID,
  ULONG FAR * pcbMsgEID,


  • psession
    [in] Pointer to the session in use by the client application.

  • szMsgID
    [in] The string representing the entry identifier of the object.

  • pcbStoreEID
    [out] Pointer to the returned size, in bytes, of the entry identifier of the message store that contains the object. If the szMsgID parameter points to a noncompound entry identifier string, then the pcbStoreEID parameter points to zero.

  • ppStoreEID
    [out] Pointer to a pointer to the returned entry identifier of the message store that contains the object. If the szMsgID parameter points to a noncompound entry identifier, NULL is returned in the ppStoreEID parameter.

  • pcbMsgEID
    [out] Pointer to the returned size, in bytes, of the entry identifier of the object within its store. If the szMsgID parameter points to a noncompound entry identifier string, then the pcbMsgEID parameter is equal to the value of the cbEID parameter.

  • ppMsgEID
    [out] Pointer to a pointer to the returned entry identifier string of the object within its store. If the szMsgID parameter points to a noncompound entry identifier, ppMsgEID points to a pointer to a converted copy of the noncompound entry identifier.

Return Value



If the identifier specified by the szMsgID parameter is compound, it is converted from ASCII and split into the entry identifier of the object within its message store and the store's entry identifier. Noncompound entry identifier strings are simply converted and copied. The compound identifier string to be separated is usually one created by the HrComposeMsgID function.

Calling the HrDecomposeMsgID function is equivalent to calling the HrEntryIDFromSz function and then the HrDecomposeEID function.