Поделиться через


Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio

Information for uploading items that have been moved. This information is used during the upload delete status state and upload table state.

Quick Info

struct UPMOV 
      ULONG          ulFlags; 
      LPVOID         pReserved; 
      LPSTREAM       pstmReserved; 
      LPSTR          pszName; 
      FEID           feid; 
      LPMAPIFOLDER   pfld; 
      PXICC          pxicc; 
      DWORD          dwReserved; 
      PUPMOV         pupmovNext; 
      UINT           cEntMov; 


  • ulFlags
    [in] Flags to determine the appropriate behavior during the upload.


      • [in] Problem opening server folder.

      • [in] The upload state has changed. This is used by the client to track the change in state for the local store.

      • [in] Commit upload state.
  • pReserved
    [out] This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • pstmReserved
    [out] This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • pszName
    [out] Name of the destination folder.


    This member does not support UNICODE.

  • feid
    [out] Entry ID of destination folder.

  • pfld
    [in] Pointer to server folder.

  • pxicc
    [in] Pointer to the IExchangeImportContentsChanges contents interface that supports uploading content changes when using Incremental Change Synchronization (ICS). For more information on IExchangeImportContentsChanges and ICS, see ICS Evaluation Criteria.

  • dwReserved
    [out] This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • pupmovNext
    [out] Next move context.

  • cEntMov
    [in] Number of items moved here.

See Also


About the Replication API

About the Replication State Machine

MAPI Constants